A lost friend

Listening to: Over You - Acceptance
Feeling: sinful
My one real best friend has gone missing. Friskie, my 11th birthday present, hasn't been seen by anyone in my house for about three days now. I have cried it about it for about two nights now because she wasn't waiting for me outside the bathroom or laying at my feet while I was on the computer. Or in the morning, she wasn't sitting in my lap when I sat down with my cereal or whatever food I happened to be eating. She wasn't there... You may think it's the most pathetic thing ever, and I guess I do too but Friskie was the one 'person' that I could tell anything to and she would 'listen.' She cared/loved me as much as I did her. Unless you want to call her constantly following me around hating me or something. They said at lunch yesterday that in order for cats to cause their owners less pain they run away and die in the woods somewhere. That still doesn't make me feel any better y'know? Even adopting one, or two, new kitten(s) won't be the same as Friskie. Maybe over time they'll be that attached again but there's also the chance they wont'. God. I'm so freakin pathetic to get this worked up over an animal - I told myself and others I wouldn't ever get this way if it happened. I guess I lied. Too late. So moving on... Jess only has 19 more days of school left including today. I can't fucking wait until it's done and I have two months away from this fucking place and then only TWO semesters left. These seriously have been my worst years of my life. Not that once I graduate it's going to get any better or anything. Still better than here. I'm planning on going to Georgia State University. At least I made up my mind in what school I want to go to. Just have to actually work on getting in and everything. I spent all of my weekend on my stupid English research and I STILL have to get my stupid American History shit done too. I'm really behind on that. ugh. it sucks. I just want to sit back for the rest of the school year and say FUCK IT but I know I can't. I've been driving to school though and I love it. Yesterday when I wasn't able to breathe through my nose or throat I just got up and left to go to the store to buy some Nyquil and cough drops. No having to wait on my mom to take me. It's lovely. Me and the brothers are working on buying my mom's a Mother's Day present too. She deserves more than we can actually buy her but all the money we have we get from her so y'know.. kind of stuck there but still. Until next time... Peace out, bitches.
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I'm so sorry about your kitty. I can't imagine how I would feel if one of my babies left me. You are not pathetic at all to get upset. I would be an absolute wreck if I were you. I hope you feel better. :(

I have 15 days of school left. 2 of those are exam days, which means I take tests and leave at 1. So it's pretty nice. Next year the discipline/uniforms will suck even harder for me, but at least it's only two more semesters! Whee!!!
any idea of what she wrote?in just general terms,not just to me,or certain people.it would be nice to know what she said to me,but it might be to hard
that comment, below was left from I.
Come on, Jess. Don't disappear again. Please?
I would get that worked up to if something were to happen to my cat... oh wait I got that worked up when Loki died... hope she returns ^_^

I know exactly how you feel. When my cat Spot came up missing a few months back I was really sad. I hope that you found her