Boredom ensues

Listening to: Watching SVU
Feeling: blank
I have slipped and I have fallen so far down I can't get out... --- Hello all, I stumbled upon one of those beautiful survey things and one because I was told to update this thing by a certain someone -cough- Moneca -cough- And she is not even a member of this site so why I listen to her I do not know. Anyway, there really is not much for me to speak of so I post this thing in here and remember no one is forcing you to read onward.. [ x ] Spell your first name backwards: sseJ [ x ] The story behind your user name?: Random moment when I made it up, they come quite often actually and if there was something behind it, it has long been erased from my memory. [ x ] Are you gay: No.. [ x ] Where do you live: Some stupid town in the stupid state by the name of Georgia... [ x ] 5 words that sum you up: lazy, alone, dead, random, stupid [ x ] Wallet: I have none, my wallet is my pockets, they serve great purposes - to shove everything I get in there. [ x ] Hairbrush: My fingers.. [ x ] Toothbrush: Er..I think it is yellow.. [ x ] Jewelry worn daily: Watch that changes color my two black and red little jelly bracelets each day and then there are the wristbands, pins, studded bracelets, and "jelly" bracelets as they were described to me.. [ x ] Pillow covers: I have a leopard one and I am getting two new ones - one with Depp and the other with a picture of AFI but right now they are navy blue silkish fabric. [ x ] Sunglasses: I lose any and every pair I have ever had.. [ x ] Underwear: Your point? [ x ] CD in stereo right now: AFI - Art of Drowning [ x ] Tattoos: I wish.. [ x ] Piercings: I did have the ears but my mother would not buy me the studs I wanted so I think they have closed again, I will be getting the lip for birthday though. Yayness [ x ] What you are wearing now: Hm.. black short sleeve shirt with red long sleeve under it, the black and red bondage pants and black and red chucks and the laces for today were my skull and crossbones one. Pirates rock my world.. [ x ] Hair: It is an icky color because the red has faded, dying it back to black tomorrow. WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [ x ] In my mouth: Ice Cream [ x ] In my head: Worthless thoughts.. [ x ] Wishing: Not a damn thing.. [ x ] After this: After I get offline I plan to watch Edward, Jack Skellington and then Jack Sparrow. [ x ] Talking to: Andrew [ x ] Eating: Ice Cream [ x ] Person you wish you could see right now: Courtny - she left this afternoon.. [ x ] Is next to you: The television and on other side is the book case. [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: Spring Break, even though where I am going is nothing to look forward to, but I get to see Laur. [ x ] The last thing you ate: I am eating my cookies and cream ice cream right now! [ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of: bugs [ x ] Do you like candles: Used to, probably still do just have not lit them at all. [ x ] Do you like hot wax: Hot glue from the hot glue guns are better, but yes.. [ x ] Do you like incense: Not really, unless it smells good. [ x ] Do you like the taste of blood: I enjoy the sight of it, the taste of it, the color of it..everything about it. [ x ] Do you believe in love: No.. [ x ] Do you believe in soul mates: If I do not believe in love do you really think that such a thing as a soul mate will exist? [ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight: -sigh- Again, see above. [ x ] Do you believe in Heaven: Fuck no [ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness: Not really, in religion I would rather be dead but in people, no, it would be the same as religion. [ x ] Do you believe in God: -slaps knee- Yeah, I just worship him and pray to 'him' every night. Fuck off.. [ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die: Burn myself and then release the ashes in water where no one can keep them as memories.. [ x ] Who is your worst enemy: My mind, my thoughts, my razor, MYSELF. [ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be:! [ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up: 7:30 [ x ] Ever been to Belgium: No, do I want to? [ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks: Unless you want objects of food going every which way, no. [ x ] What's your favorite coin: I prefer paper money.. [ x ] What are some of your favorite candy: starburst and gummi bears [ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand: There are too many to list but one would be that labels are stupid, two would be that God does not exist and three would be that pop-punk such as GC, NFG, Simple Plan and Evanescence are not rock. -nod- Just three of the many I wish they would at least open their eyes and look at. [ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better: The human mind.. [ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow: For the worst to not occur [ x ] What does your last name mean: You think I know?! [ x ] How old are you: fifteen years dead.. [ x ] How old are you mentally: I could not begin to tell you. [ x ] What are your worst qualities: ugly, loser, nothing, no one, stupid, dense, insecure..there are many more such as everything about myself. [ x ] What are your best qualities: I will get back to you on that.. [ x ] How long does it take you to get ready in the morning: 20 minutes, give or take some minutes. ~SLEEP~ [ x ] Do you dream at night: I thought everyone did? [ x ] Do you remember your dreams: On occasion [ x ] Describe one: Someone stopped me from slashing my own throat and then I was burned alive. Beautiful, yes? [ x ] What time do you go to bed usually: I am supposed to be in bed at 11 on school nights but it usually does not occur until maybe 2:30 - 3 [ x ] What time do you wake up normally: School days - 7:00 each morning [ x ] What time do you wake on weekends: Different times each weeekend.. [ x ] Do you find waking late nice or annoying: Quite nice, for I have wasted the day away.. [ x ] Do you sleep with one pillow or two: two and a stuffed animal.. ~SCHOOL~ [ x ] Do you like school: Fuck no [ x ] Whats ur fave subject: It used to be English, until Mrs. Haney happened so right now it would be... Spanish. [ x ] Most hated subject: MATH [ x ] Do you have a fave teacher: I do not speak to my teachers for I do not care about them therefore I cannot have a favorite one. [ x ] Ever had a crush on a teacher: That is entirely disgusting. Icky.. [ x ] Are you a math/science person or an english/drama person: English/Dram ~FAMILY~ [ x ] Do you like your parents: Fuck no.. [ x ] Ever run away from home: If only I could.. [ x ] Ever thought about it: Every day and night [ x ] Do you have any siblings: Si.. [ x ] If so, do you like them or get annoyed with them: Nick annoys the living hell out of me, so much that I just want to strangle him or say much worse than I have to him and John is quite annoying at many times but much easier to get along with, maybe because he acts his age, but all that changes when he goes to father's house. [ x ] How old are they: 9 going on 3 in June and 12 going to 13 in May.. [ x ] Do you feel your parents spoil you: No, I am the child who gets paid no attention to while the youngest gets all the spoiling from mother and John, middle named after my father gets everything he may so ever desire from daddy dearest. I am just the child who is no mommy or daddy girl. I am just..there.. [ x ] Do you have big family get togethers ever: My dad's family are constantly meeting for no special reason, my mom's family get together for Christmas but they hate my mother so we do not go to those when we are up.. ~RELATIONSHIPS~ [ x ] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No, and I do not particulary care. [ x ] If so, are you in love with them: This section is pointless.. [ x ] Do they love you: Again........ [ x ] Most romantic thing they've ever done for you: Romance can kiss my ass.. ~Religion~ [ x ] Do you have a religion: I prefer not to but if you must stick a title to me - Atheist. [ x ] Do you practice it: Every day, except you really do not practice it at all do you? Yay! No Sundays wasted at church or seeing people I do not like in my youth group. Die.. [ x ] Do you believe in God: Was this question not already asked? And I believe my answer is quite obvious.. [ x ] Jesus?: Yes, if there is no god there MUST be a Jesus. I thought the two were one in the same? Or was I preached to wrong? [ x ] Satan?: No, -GASP- That is right! Just because I do not believe in god does not mean I worship the so-called devil either. Stupid blighters... [ x ] Heaven?: Fuck no [ x ] Hell?: Fuck no [ x ] If you died tomorrow what do you believe will happen to you?: I WOULD BE DEAD! Simple as that..nothing comes after death, you are dead your life has been terminated there is no soul to live on elsewhere. Your mind is dead, your organs are shut down and most importantly your entire body is D-E-A-D. [ x ] Does death scare you?: Why should it? ~Morals~ [ x ] Have you ever been drunk?: Many times [ x ] Taken drugs?: Yes [ x ] Stolen?: Yes [ x ] Shoplifted?: Yes [ x ] Tried to commit suicide?: Yes [ x ] Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend?: I lied to a friend that is a girl and I also lied to a friend that is a boy, yes. [ x ] Gotten into a fight?: Yes [ x ] Are you more innocent or guilty?: Guilty on most things [ x ] Would you date a drug addict?: Fuck yeah, they give me their stash so they can go through treatment and I use it for myself. Bwaha [ x ] Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict?: No [ x ] Are you racist?: NO! [ x ] Are you discriminatory to anyone?: No [ x ] Have you been a hypocrite in the past?: Probably, though I cannot remember a certain event. [ x ] Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings?: Depends on their approach, for example trying to convince me of religion ways will get me to stop listening to you but if you a liable sense of argument and it is something worth hearing, I MIGHT just listen to what wants to be said. ~Media~ [ x ] Do you watch tons of tv?: Not really [ x ] How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months?: I have no idea.. [ x ] Do you listen to the radio often?: I despise the radio [ x ] Do you read the newspaper?: Only if something pertains in interest to me.. [ x ] Are you a couch potato?: Computer potato [ x ] Do you use the internet too much?:Oh, that could be an understatement, really. At least four hours each day, no that is not much time spent online at all.. ~Music~ [ x ] Whats your fave style of music?: NOT punk - so yeah, hard rock, metal. [ x ] Do you play an instrument?: No [ x ] Do you sing?: Only along with songs, it helps the emotions - or so I was told by a doctor. [ x ] Whats your fave band?: Woo..I cannot choose that for the simple reason there are many to list and one is a very obvious choice and I do not have the patience on my mind to choose one at the moment. -sigh- This is the last one I will do for a long time, they really do get annoying at times but now Moneca cannot complain that I did not update before the weekend began. -blink- I made so much errors in typing in that, I have no idea why. If you see one can you please point it out, I dislike to have grammar errors. May you think even if nothing is to come out of it... -_- I have broken - I'm still breaking - cracked and wrecked, beyond repair.
Read 11 comments
MUCH yayness!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!!! Psychos!!!! Good answers!
aw davy havok. so pretty. :)
i've heard that quote before. about the funny little itch. where did you get it? hit me back.
COOL!!!! I feel SOO special!!!! You're cool too!! Really! You're awesome.
By the way, I'm adding you to my friend list. If you don't mind...
wanna hear music while on sitdiary? then check my site for details.
Yes! BIG party! Cool. We'll rule the world!!!! HA HA HA!!!
hey thanks for the coment and such.... i like ur journal im gonna add u
one of those things.
Thanks for the comments. It seems like no one can help me anymore and I have no answers what so ever. I just kinda life live one day at a time and hope that I don't cut or cry for no reason what so ever .. I just don't know if anything is right anymore ...
You always give me good advice even if you don't realize it. Thanks for helping ... we should talk on AIM more .. if you forgot my name was pnkpig1199