Getting High

Feeling: ducky
DUCKY!!!!! -looks around-...WHERE?!! -my random self goes running off to find the ducky!!!- o.O! I don't know what the hell is going on but the past few days I have been all weird and shit..I think it's the sharpie and white-out fumes or something but yesh..Let's just say I have been more weird and odd than NORMAL but hell, who the fuck said that was a BAD thing? NOT I!!! Bwahahahahahahaha..NO MORE SCHOOL FOR 2 AND A HALF FRICKIN' WEEKS...if I can get past Christmas without going insane from the fucking lights, carollers, songs..HAPPY shit that is all around me..-bangs head into wall- I'm going to go insane if it does happen but I get to see my dad on Christmas day around 11:30 and lets just say someone -cough- HIM -cough- and his family members won't be too happy about my strangeness..Because apparently it's not good to dye your hair, especially black, nor cut it really short and then the whole 'punk' thing isn't very acceptable either so guess who is going to where very baggy jeans, black nails and so much bracelets on my wrists..?? -raises hand- MEEEEEEE!! Bwahahahahahahah! Gah! I'm fucking bored out of my mind so I am going to go run around outside in the cold but I really don't care..-salutes- Adios.. ...::...POTC Quote of the Day...::... 'You keep doing that forever the dog is never going to move.' 'Sorry but we haven't resorted ourselves to the gallows just yet.' -Jack then gives the ...SEXY smirk- ...Now I KNOW that some of that was messed up but I am much rather interested in jumping on the trampoline and onto the cold ground at the moment so I won't bother with ALL of the accuracy..
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hey how do u get a pic above ur name and age? that one with johnny where hes hold in the sword. howd u get a pic there???