Someone's away message: jumpin' jesus on a pogostick, everybody knows the burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground why do you think they call it a burrow owl anyways? he he he, that makes me laugh. Well all, I have finished my first essay final. Man, I rocked that thing. At least the first essay. It consisted of two essays to write. The first one, I felt like Ralphie writing his theme in A Christmas Story, seriously, I felt like a freaking genius. In fact, it was just like A Christmas Story because I could even see my TA grading it and being like "A plus plus plus". Actually, I almost starting laughing as I was writing it because I could see that in my head. But, alas, my second essay totally and completely sucked monkey butt. Hopefully, she will just be so amazed by my first essay that she will just forget about the second one and give me that A+++ that I deserve. Yeah, right. A Christmas Story is the greatest movie in the world. Anyone who disagrees with that is just plain dumb and their opinion on anything is therefore void. So two finals down, three to go. Two tomorrow and one on Wednesday. I just can't wait until I am home. My mom's taking me out to Sortino's on Wednesday since she forgot to send me a Study Buddy for finals week. I'm so excited. My mouth is literally watering thinking about that scrumpious spaghetti and cheese bread. Oops, I drooled on my shirt. :) I'm in a really good mood today, probably because I just got an A+++ on my history exam. Or maybe it's the thinking about Sortino's. Or maybe it's that I have clean underwear on. I took a shower last night and so I have nice big curl hair this morning. I can't tell if that's an improvement from yesterday when I had poodle hair from having Megan do it Saturday night. I forgot that since I cut my hair, it will be more afro-y since it's not weighed down anymore. Anyways, maybe I should go study for some accounting or chemistry that I have a final in tomorrow. I'm actually in study mode now, if that's actually possible. Or maybe I'm not in study mode, I'm just hungry. I think that is it. you know you love me ;) even if you act like you hate me :(
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You'll shoot your eye out! You'll shoot your eye out!
The bestest Christmas move of all time.
i love you robin.
good luck on your finals, i'll see you this weekend. : )