study buddy

Time: 2:09 AM Man, I wish I had a study buddy. A cute study buddy to study An Sci 214 with. But then again, a cute guy would probably distract me too much and I would get nothing done, as opposed to the very little that I am getting down right now. All I have to say is GO BRAIN!! Including the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain, which I just learned about. Seriously, I am going to fluck this test. Wait a second, fluck??? What the heck is fluck? I don't know, it was a spelling error. But I could possibly fluck this test, if someone could please tell me what that is. And keep it clean you dirty minds/mouths!! I'm so happy that people like my new theme. I wasted a precious hour of study time on Monday doing it. But now I feel all computer smart, like look what I can do, I'm a freaking computer genius over here!! Microsoft, here I come!! Yeah, I can change colors, no problem. Wait, I have to know what organ releases ADH? Well, I do in fact know that. A couple hours ago, not so much. That's why it's called the process of learning. I just can't help it if my learning process is a wee bit slower than normal. My mom thinks I'm special. So, anyways, I think I've wasted enough of my study time with this entry. I'm really tired and probably sound all weirdo. Quick question though: Is it bad that today when we were handling pig digestive tracts in my lab, all I wanted to say was "I'm gonna remove your liver bones?" -- Seriously, I think there's something wrong with me. A total and complete freak, I am, I am. you know you love me ;)
Read 2 comments
Precious study time...whatever! more like precious Zelda time! muahhahhaha
Live bones haha You really need a life but I'm glad that you think I'm the best roommate/friend ever..really it makes me feel special...jsut like your mom makes you feel special. ah! STUDY you NARBO!! haha peace
i like the theme also.


someone suggested it to me. but now i can't use it! heheh.