Hey little sister get off the kitchen counter.

Listening to: Blood - the editors
Feeling: alright
I really wish school would start ... I may possibly regret that once it has started but I just miss the people. Last night I had the best sleep of my summer. Do I ever love sleep , I love being able to sleep thro that whole night without waking. It doesn't happen often. (YAWN) Now the only problem is shakeing the sleep once awake. I have to work today ... I called in "sick" yesterday . Calling in sick completly throws me off because my repetitive work schedule is prsctically imbedded in my bones. To miss a day messes things up in my head. Im so used to working two days then one day off then work two days then two days off. I had I dream last night that I went to work at Ikea . yep... I cannot remeber all of it. Anyhow life goes on. I miss Jenn SO much! I see her tommorow! I will not let her dissapear! Mwah Kristesirmferic!
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i had a dream last night that my xgf tried runing me over again
yea school sucks fo real yo
like fuck the people
well not really
see in our world today the places we spend most of our time is in places we may not like that much ie..school, work but these places are were we are with people the most so to fix the problem is to live a life in which we are always around fun nice honest people all the time
i try
u 2 k
thats what i cept tellin her

happieist place on earth my ass

we were like the soap opear there
in line we were talkin so much shit and waked around lookin super piss and sad and mad
that was the night before she ran me over
we made up then undid it all again
fuck it!