longing of the lonely.

Do you ever find yourself in that place? The place of longing, the longing of the lonley. with no one .. no one to tell you that you mean the world to them, because trust is out of reach. Boys come and go , and go and gone. After a while you reach this point where every romantic movie, novel even suttle photograph leaves you in tears. Leaves you thinking is that ever lovely? Why can't that happen to someone like me? It doesn't tho I feel like I have been waiting forever . Wouldn't it be sweet to have something wonderful to tide me over until the REAL wonderful comes along. where are you wonderful??? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I will be your Audrey Hepburn if you will be my George Peppard .
Read 7 comments
hmmmm, I know what you mean. im in that place of longing as well. i love the background and youre very pretty♥Kelly
i love your diary. its really cute.
p.s. yeah i kno what u mean
mhm i understand. except for the *boys* bit obviously.
i love you m deer.
i know the feeling. very nicely written. [♥]