National Angela Day

Listening to: somthing about coke?
Feeling: bubbly
Today Jen and I took an adventure and realized that today is national angela day because... its the 8th and its a monday . We rode our bikes all the way to southwood and got completely soaked , I also endorsed Tim Hortons hot chocolate in a pic where I apparently looked like and athlete modeling for a add. My tougne is very sore because last night I ate a hole bag of sourpatch kids and it started to bleed. Im not exactly sure what else to wright Oh this morning I had a very exciting adventure looking for my sweater (that is accually krissy's) and I made my own theme music . I called it " I just had an appiphenie".. lol I don't know how to spell that. hmmm... 1)I had cookies! 2) I always have cookies at Jens 3) Rufus wainright gives me goosebumps Love ya'll KRISTESIRMFERENOSH and Nateensnephna I can't wait for school to start arn't I a keener! lol QUOOKIES!
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I love Rufus Wainwright.

I love Rufus Wainwright.