
.lcdstyle{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ background-color:white; color:black; font: bold 18px Tahoma; padding: 3px; } .lcdstyle sup{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ font-size: 80% } /*********************************************** * Universal Countdown script- © Dynamic Drive ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ function cdLocalTime(container, servermode, offsetMinutes, targetdate, debugmode){ if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) return this.container=document.getElementById(container) var servertimestring=(servermode=="server-php")? '' : (servermode=="server-ssi")? '' : '' this.localtime=this.serverdate=new Date(servertimestring) this.targetdate=new Date(targetdate) this.debugmode=(typeof debugmode!="undefined")? 1 : 0 this.timesup=false this.localtime.setTime(this.serverdate.getTime()+offsetMinutes*60*1000) //add user offset to server time this.updateTime() } cdLocalTime.prototype.updateTime=function(){ var thisobj=this this.localtime.setSeconds(this.localtime.getSeconds()+1) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateTime()}, 1000) //update time every second } cdLocalTime.prototype.displaycountdown=function(baseunit, functionref){ this.baseunit=baseunit this.formatresults=functionref this.showresults() } cdLocalTime.prototype.showresults=function(){ var thisobj=this var debugstring=(this.debugmode)? "Debug Mode on!Current Local time: "+this.localtime.toLocaleString()+"Verify this is the correct current local time, in other words, time zone of count down date.Target Time: "+this.targetdate.toLocaleString()+"Verify this is the date/time you wish to count down to (should be a future date)." : "" var timediff=(this.targetdate-this.localtime)/1000 //difference btw target date and current date, in seconds if (timediff"+arguments[1]+" hours "+arguments[2]+" minutes "+arguments[3]+" seconds left until launch time" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="Launch time!" } return displaystring } //2) Display countdown with a stylish LCD look, and display an alert on target date/time function formatresults2(){ if (this.timesup==false){ //if target date/time not yet met var displaystring=""+arguments[0]+" days "+arguments[1]+" hours "+arguments[2]+" minutes "+arguments[3]+" seconds left until launch time" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="" //Don't display any text alert("Launch time!") //Instead, perform a custom alert } return displaystring } //cdLocalTime("ID_of_DIV_container", "server_mode", LocaltimeoffsetMinutes, "target_date", "opt_debug_mode") //cdLocalTime.displaycountdown("base_unit", formatfunction_reference) //Note: "launchdate" should be an arbitrary but unique variable for each instance of a countdown on your page: var launchdate=new cdLocalTime("cdcontainer", "server-php", 0, "April 23, 2010 15:53:00", "debugmode") launchdate.displaycountdown("days", formatresults2)
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bye bye baby

sitting in kalans room, this guy says: you wanna know how a girl's a keeper? you cook dinner and when she comes in you throw an egg at her. if she laughs and throws and egg back shes a keeper if she gets mad and beats you with a frozen chicken, she's not. ...that goes for anything tho like say your doing the dishes, throw a plate at 'er if she laughs and throws one back shes a keeper if she gets mad and beats you with a frozen chicken, she's not. that stuck with me the whole night. That, and Ryan's new dew. Lorne, me, Riley, Josh and maybe someother people I don't know, Got the goods on ryans hair. We fuking chopped that thing to shreds. Gave him bangs and a rat tail at the back.. soo badd. It was mainly Riley and my creation. Riley styled it, I just chopped. haha I was dissappointed that we came too late to see them play, Missed a few people there too. it was koh-sure tho. stupid fuking drunks who puke their ass all over the only bathroom. do your business elsewhere. Didnt ever really use the bathroom, just went in there to get a razor, but still. I'll miss you clown. felt so bad, kept him up the night before, he looked like death by the end of the night. White skin and dark circles around his eyes. Got wine on JJ's hoodie. when it started to get lame, I hugged him. He hugged me like a "last time" hug. spooked me out. it's not real, you're not going..
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Weird things happened yesturday. it all started in the morning texting ryan. he was talking about how he's moving away and Then it gets into some sort of "text sex" IN THE MORNING! so I giggled and didn't really reply, I had to go to work anyway. But It made me think that it wasn't him at all, and maybe someone else had his phone.. So I go to work, and it's all cool. pretty dead. After leah and i decide to go celebrate before she leaves. so we go to her place (so she can get un-work looking) and went over to my place, we planned on buying some stuff from steve, but everything wasn't working out. Just as Leah and I are in the backyard, to go into my house we hear a POP and Barb (leah's mom & my boss) is screaming I KILLED HIM!! I JUST KILLED HIM!! I thought SHIT she just killed some guy. so we run out and theres a rabbit on the road. Barb is mortified. it was awful her tire was all furry. My dad and Leah's dad had to go shovel it up and put it in a bag. Least to say it was a downer to our fun.. Everything wasn't working out, it was just one thing after another. so she left and went home. It was a spooky night.
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you set the fire

I'm so tired from last night. I went for a bike ride with him, riley and kalan. Well actually it was a bike race, but I lost them somewhere around a mini van. And I just cruised around. BUT I found the coolest spot, I really hope I didn't just fanitcize it all because it was so beautiful. It was everything Zen. Anyways, I was down a hill and I see these specks of colour that look alot like moving jelly beans and I bike my legs off (on a bike which was way too high for me) I peddle and peddle, I think it's them, but they're so far away. Anyways, I got lost agian and decided to just go back to kalans place, There they are. I'm a big joke, but I'm so impressed that I found that giant Zen garden. I want to find it agian.... if I can even remember. Kalan has a spaceship in his basement. Have you ever been in an upside down bath tub? good sound. the bike ride was so bumpy my boobs flung off his sunglasses that were on my shirt, sorry. was a great hill tho. Just me and him went and made a crop circle in the grass and layed there. I saw a shooting star and the moon was an orange. mmm around 5am the rain woke us up, it was freezing on my skin so we booked back to his place after some crazy dog freaked out at the giant soaking sleeping bags that were walking. then fell asleep.
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1989 Black Benz

So I've got driver training today, 9am to 3pm, ouch only the first class of three. Hopefully it'll go by fast, most people don't even get up and go out until 2pm now a days. So I figure I won't miss much. P.S.
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forget this..

What the hell is happening? I mean at first, this was a good thing. We were so happy, well at least I was. Holly Crap he goes and hangs out with his ex-girlfriend for a couple days and now he's different. what the hell. do you want this or not?
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Sun who's Rays are..

After school I watched Brick with Nic (rhymed) man, I love that movie. I want to talk how they talk. Mumbo Jumbo "I really loved you alot" Why am I crying? I love him, but his hearts someplace else. Why am I crying?? I thought what i did was better for us both.
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I don't do my work..

I don't do anything at school, anymore... Ang & Tessa in Library for German. MICHELLE "Hey imrahn" Yeah, evidence I do nothing but chew on my pens. My pretty Math teacher. lol. When you don't have a chess board Make one! Oh Amanda. John & Amanda, playing the REAL chess board I brought. Yeah... we play chess to pass the time.
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