Where did you get that ass..

So today I went with Irma downtown with Mike and Patrick . It was so much fun ! on the train Irma used me as her travel pack . Then we got off at this station in the blazing heat and tried to find this mysterious theatre .. we FINNALLY DID! it was closed and at this point we were so tired and hot it did not matter where we went! So we went to TD sqare ! And they made me laugh so hard I cried .. Irma and I had to esacape to the washroom. Then we walked and walked and walked . To kenzington and back , I loved it , it was super fun! Do you ever wonder why ppl make things more then they accually are .. i sure do. NIC IS BACK TOMMOROW I see him wednesday.... yayayayyayayaya I LOVE SUMMER !! SO FREE!! SO WONDERFUL hehehe heheh ehhe ehhehe heheheheheh ehhehehehehehhehehehehehehhehehe' loverrr you all
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sounds like things a going pretty good for you. cool. sorry i aint been sayin much recently iv been a lil wrapped up in myself sigh