from my heart flown

Life is not about ideals. But I have always been idealistic. What if we could find our life partner in the first person we date, what if we could make achievements without costs, what if we could eat as much as we wanted without gaining an ounce? Sometimes, even the staunchest of our beliefs can be brought up for questioning, or overshadowed with doubt. All of us, are after all, just too human. And life is filled with imperfections. We can only learn to deal. I think that being in love is one of the best ways to learn about life. Being in a relationship with someone, you learn one of life's fundamental concepts: To give and take. And depending on how smart you are already, you'll know the level that you're willing to give or take. Aside from the judgements you make on your significant other, you're also forced to take a look at yourself. You realize that you're both flawed, and you have to learn to adapt and accept. It seems like my 21st year has been a crash course in Life 101. I gave, I took, I won, I lost. But above all, I learned. Of course, there are still uncertainties abound. And it sucks when you realize that you have to deal with your uncertainties before you can deal with anything or anyone else, because someone always stands to get hurt. But I'm learning. I think I'm finally growing up.
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growing up is nice sometimes.
this is true.
but that is a part of it. it.s like a test. a secret one that life throws at you.
and if you can do it-you win.
and you can do it. anyone can.
even if it's a crash course, life is a good thing to become aquainted with. Well, usually.