scratch my back

It sucks when you ask your dad for money (and feel bad doing it) to buy your schoolbooks, but you couldn't find them when you went to the used books stall-thingy at school. How am I supposed to do my homework now? And why are people always trying to sell Viagra to me through e-mail? Do I look like an impotent old man to you? So I have semi-normal sleeping times now, thanks to school being back in session. But I hate it when I feel all sleepy and tired at night and then when I head to bed, it takes me an hour, maybe an hour-and-a-half to finally fall asleep. I've always had that problem though...You know before you go to bed you just sort of empty your head and so you have no thoughts at all running through it? Yeah, I can't do that. I'm just not capable of it. I had a dream last night that I turned into a PB&J sandwich-making fiend, and was making them for everybody. I think I'll go make some for breakfast.
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i'm going to try to do that afs thing forgein exchange thing so i can leave this place and go to italy, france, or australia