nothing's changed

I often feel like I am at odds with myself. To enjoy life as I like it or to restrict myself as I should? I suppose until I see that doing the right thing is not a restriction, I cannot fully move towards that. And that is nothing but a crying shame.
Read 10 comments
yea that does sound kinda fucked, I live life and do what makes me feel happy and good. So do what you want.
i know exactly what you mean with that.
how did you guess im english?
You read a month's worth?! That's gotta hurt...

But thank you. :-)
i love your diary. awesome colors!
i'm very very familiar with 'la'. and i miss it. my little sister was 5 months old when we moved over there, and she grew up speaking tagalog, singlish and english. crazy little kid. we had to wean her off of 'la' and 'aiyah'. 'kiasu' and things like that, when we moved back to the US.
I know this is kind of weird. I have a friends only diary, and you seem cool. You know the rest.

Lucy x x x
you should meditate. life is filled with sacrifice. however make only sacrifices that achieve the proper outcomes.
Yeah, I'm from England. I know a girl who's cousins live in Brunei. But that's totally irrelevant. So there.

Lucy x x x
self expression can be found in many places. might i suggest if meditation is not one of them that you get really stoned and finger paint all over your walls... :)
puss in boots is so cool! nice diary!