We are the people our parents warned us about - Brenda Kahn

It's 104am and I am fighting sleep, although it feels like I could fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow. Except it's quite possible that I won't fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I'm back in the habit of going to sleep when I'm absolutely positive I will fall asleep as soon as I get in bed. This is to avoid *gasp* thinking. *Shock, shock, horror, horror*. Thinking about stuff I really don't want to think about. Man, it sounds like I've really got problems, doesn't it? Maybe it's just PMS kicking in. Except that I just got that blasted thing a few weeks ago. I live in KL, but the school I go to is an Australian varsity, so I'm on summer break until March. I've been on break since November. Sitting around on my butt all day really doesn't do much for my health. How many of you are vain enough to realize that you seem to look good more when you're at home and 'bout to go to bed than when you're out and about? My hair seems to only like to behave when there's no one else around. I'd better not have kids like that.
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