chillin like a villain

My right leg hurts from driving around so much. I've always got some sort of weird ailment bugging me. It's really quite annoying. Anyway. My granddad has been taken off the medical support. He's such a fighter. He's so cool. I hope I get his genes. Easter break starts today. Woohoo for not having to go to school for a whole week. Althouuuuuuugh I will probably go in for a couple of days to work on my other assignments. Hot damn I've got a full plate. What with school and the hospital and Azzi going "I never see you anymore!" Hey Juji, that day when I called you, my credit went down from $54 to $13! Was quite gelabah for a while because my mother had just bought credit for me the day before..haha :D OH the weekend. How I live and die for you.
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hooray for easter break! :)
that was so me.
life is good, isn't it?