sleep to dream

I had this amazing dream last night. It was sort of like Hannibal meets Agent Scully. Unfortunately, I can't remember much of it, or else I'd be the next Stephen King. I always have dreams that I could turn into books if I could just frikkin' remember them. I remember there was a crucial part in my last dream, but I can't quite remember the exact details of it. Dagnabbit. I think I should go under hypnosis to unlock my subconscious. Although I don't know if I could write a novel filled with gore. It'd make me wonder what kind psycho I really was. Well anyway. I'm jealous of my 15-yr-old cousin. He's got girls lining up at the door for him. I never had boys lining up at the door for me, ever. But I guess the one great catch that I got compensates for all that. It's 11:11! Make a wish!
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sure get online jus to tease me...oh you women, lawd help me...anyways thanks an i'm tryin to keep my arse outta i stress tryin...
i HATE that! when u can't remember a i have the weirdest freakiest ones too lol later dayz, ~Lee~
i've found that if i put a piece of paper and a pen right by my bed, in the morning i can write down the dream as soon as i wake up. it really helps a lot.

I love wishing on 11:11 =)

Have a good day hun
3:33, here.

Making wishes. I am always always wishing, wishing.

Take care,
i dunno if i even dream at all...if i do, then i dont remember unless its like a bad nightmare