I am a wussball

A few days ago, me, Azzi and his sister were throwing around a football in his garden. Not exactly a football field, so we didn't have to throw long distances. Now the whole right side of my body hurt hurtshurtshurtshurts!!! I feel like I can't even move it! I feel like I've just had a stroke and am paralysed..except I'm paralysed on the right side. And I can't even run to Azzi and tell him my problem because I'm afraid he'll call me a pussy. Which I am. :)
Read 6 comments
hence your name. lol

that happened to me once...

sorta. It was similar only in that it was an ache/pain.

but it was due to lots and lots of sex over a comparably short amount of time.

I never was much for football. ;-)
oh, feel better too!
To me, it felt like I had done like 7 zillion sit ups. It was crazy. (but worth it).

I also once got terrible sheet burn.

(also... worth it.)
Okay, you ruined your credibility...

And I've made myself look like a complete nympho slut bag.

I saw your note on Kate's journal.

Consider your reputation ruined ;)

you're such a monkey.
