a day late and a dollar short

That's the title of the book I'm reading right now. It's funny as hell, but touching, too. I can see a little bit of myself in each of the characters, from the 56-year-old grandmother to the no-good-always-in&outta-jail son. Yesterday I went to KL to watch Ruzian sing. Except it wasn't Ruzian, it was the band Supergirl. We only stuck around to watch 3 performances, but Ruzian's was definitely the best. Then we were stuck in KL for another 3 hours because it started raining like God was getting ready to stage another episode of Noah's Ark. Have I ever mentioned that KL is full of interesting people to watch? Yesterday there weren't as many teenagers trying to look like they were selling themselves as usual, so that was good. The city is full of beautiful people, but I think I'd enjoy the experience of watching them a whole lot more if I wasn't insecure enough to wish that I was just as beautiful as they are. I also saw a couple of my juniors from high school, except that I turned away every time and pretended not to see, because I don't think they'd remember me anyway. It's a bad habit of mine. So because we walked around for what must have been 8 hours straight yesterday, my legs hurt today. I think it's about that time when I need to start working out again, because I find myself dozing off at the oddest times and having trouble sleeping at night. They're cute and all, but having the characteristics of a senior citizen just doesn't sit right with me. A pressing question: Has anyone every played Minesweeper on their computer and won? Get in touch with me if you have, because the damn thing stumps me every single time. I think I'd like to write a book. And Marissa, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm using the same font as you are because I like the one you're using so much I went to view source to find out what it is. hee hee :D
update I hate that damn Friendster thing. I already wrote in some previous entry that I thought the whole idea was suspect, but now I dislike it even more so because I've become the talk of the town, due to something stupid that I wrote. And, get this: I actually meant it to be stupid. But apparently people have decided to read too much into it, and the thing that I wrote came off as 'embarrassing' and 'immature'. Ruzian's right: The people in Malaysia don't have anything better to do but be all up in other people's business. They talk so much about other people's shit that they probably got words coming outta their asses. I hate having to worry about getting my shit right just because someone I don't know personally but knows my aunt's ex-husband's mother would hear about it and feel that they had the right to criticize me. (Mind the profanity, will you?) If I could delete myself off that Friendster thing, I SO would. But. Perhaps I should get mad at the right people, and not some poor, innocent website-designed-to-make-a-love-connection-but-fronting-as-a-reunite-with-your-friends-website. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. I'm not going to tell you what exactly it was that I wrote, because it's hurt enough people already. And you know how earlier I talked about wanting to write a book? I think I've come up with a title for it: "It's MY life, so don't talk about it!" Or, it'll be one of those self-help books, and it'll be called "Fighting the urge to gossip". Geez. I should just carry a fucking disclaimer with me everywhere I go. Or one of those salt-shakers, so everyone will know to take whatever I say with a pinch of salt. Suckaz.
Read 2 comments
stop reading *she says whilst reading harry potter*

alright alright...

I've never won minesweeper. I stink at that sort of thing, I suppose.

That was an awfully long update. :-) You cool.