
I hardly write in my sitdiary two entries in a row but I'm a procrastinator so I do whatever the hell I can to stall for whatever I'm really suppose to be doing. In this case, all my damn homework. And Sergio isn't back yet... I need him!! I want him!! But nooooooo -- he went to his cousin's house and is staying there for the weekend. I don't even know what time he's gonna be back today. I've noticed that with him away, I do my homework more... which is a good thing I suppose. I haven't talked to Liz [like really really talk] for a long while now. Whenever I call her, she's busy or she's not home. And when we talk online, it's hard to maintain a conversation. AIM conversations eventually die out. The only person I can keep an AIM convo going on with for hours and hours and for an eternity is Sergio. Liz is my best friend too and I think she's correct with her little analysis. Our friendship IS fading. But I feel as if my friendships are fading with a lot of people: Betty, Annie, Jennifer Y. [faded already], Jenny... that's lotsa friendships fading right there! I feel so allooonneeeeeeee...
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OOOOH thats cool..i live in OAK VIEW but go to school in VENTURA and yeah! out field trip is tomorrow! YAY: brokenwords! (2 lazy to sign in!)