
1. boxers or briefs: Definitely boxers because I read that, scientifically, briefs reduces a male's sperm count. Aw. 2. tricks or treats: Treats because tricks are just plain mean. Sometimes humorous but nevertheless, mean. 3.this or that: That! 4. pink or purple: Pink because purple is yucky. 5. which came first: the chicken or the egg? I swore that the chicken came first due to the theory of evolution but my brother has an article about this and it turns out that the egg comes first because of little bacteria, fungus or some weird stuff like that. If he still has it, I'll put it in my diary! 6. What super powers do you have if you are a supermodel? Ability to present clothes. 7. What veggie do you most resemble? Spinach, you may not like me that much but I'm good for you! Besides, look what I did to Popeye... 8. what part of our body do you wish was bigger? smaller? different color? I wish my boobs and ass was bigger =p 9. is life like a game of life, sorry, or monopoly? It's not like life because there aren't that much rewards and ugh, it just don't work that way! I mean, where's the space where you land in depression?! And I guess it's kind of like "Sorry" and "Monopoly". Shit happens and people will try to screw you over and it's all about survival of the fittest. 10. where is the strangest place that you have been naked? Never been naked in a strange place. 11. would you rather go a week bathing but could not change your clothes or go without taking a bath for a week but could change your clothes? The second one =) I don't want to wear the same clothes =/ Plus, people might not notice =) 12. what is the correct order to wash your body while taking a shower? Work your way down, ladies and gentlemen. 13.why do men have nipples? Because if the mommy is busy, the guy could let the baby suck on it. I don't really know... 14. what would the world be like if guys had to wear high heals and mini skirts? I think it'll be a sight because they'll stumble and they can't walk the way we do. 15. who is smarter: dogs who chase their tails and drink out of the toilet or cats who lick themselves till they cough up a hairball and chase shadows? The cat. 16. why dont men sit when the pee? Because it'll just be too complicated and there'll be grunts of frustration and possibly urine all over the floor. 17. whickh one of the brady sister gotten pregnant as a teen? Probably Marcia. 18. paper cut or skinned knee? Paper cut, stinging painful but nyeh - it ain't noticeable. 19. is James bond a sex magnent or a sl? Psh. Yeah right. 20. what is your least favorite kind of body hair? The one down there. Ugh.
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x-cuse me!! did i just read that purple is yucky?? How dare u!!