
--Basic Information-- Name: Kristina Nicknames: Kris, Tina Birthday: 06.23.88 Screen Name: I have several. Eye color: Drk brown Hair Color: Black-ish. Natural Hair Color: Same Who do you love/like: My boyfriend! --Favorite-- Number: 6 Color: Black, blue... white's cool. Place: I don't know, home I guess. State: Cali Country: Umm. Probably some country in Europe. Book: Ech. I have too many to list. Game: Not a gamer =/ Drug: I am clean =] Condom: Haven't gone there. Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You; Peter Pan [not cartoon version]; Freaky Friday; Big Fish... the list goes on. Store: Forever 21 because they have cute clothes! But they use sweatshops so I've been avoiding it lately. Person(s): Sergio, Liz, family [most of the time], Steph Magazine: Seventeen; Cosmopolitan CD: This is hard. But the one I've been listening to a lot lately is MXPX -- Before Everything and After. However I must admit they were better in the 90s, this cd is full of cheesiness that I happen to be currently indulging in as I am falling in love. But nevertheless, their old CDs are better!! BoyBand/Singer: Yuck. Internet activity: AIM ---Do You--- Cut urself: No Take meds you shouldnt: No. I did that once I think nd GODDAMN I went freakin` crazy. Pick your nose: Oh dude it's normal! Lick urself: When I'm feeling like a cat. Whine a lot: Only around Therese to bug her. Yell a lot: If I'm really angry. Hate a lot of people: Yes. Have too many friends: No. Want to die: Not really. Believe in life after death: Not really. Go to church: Nope. Love school: Yuck, hell no. Have a bf/gf: Yes I do. Have sex: No but made out like crazy. Smoke: Nahh. Do drugs: No. Wear dark colors: At times. Try to be different: Well if a crowd is going one way, I'm most likely to be going another. But I won't go out of my way to be different and exclude myself from people. I just do things that makes me happy nd I don't care what everyone else does. Have any piercings: Ears. Break bones a lot: Nope. Watch porn: Haha no. Dye your hair: Nah. ---Have you ever---- Kissed someone: Yeah Had sex: No Frenched someone: Nah.. Given oral sex: No, I never really liked the thought of going down on someone. Attempted suicide: No but sure as hell felt suicidal. Killed someone: No but I had that feeling. Shopped for condoms: Nah not yet. Smoked: No! Worn rainbow: No I don't think so. Left the country: No. Had a party with over 30 people: No. Taken nude pictures: No... =) Taped yourself having sex: Ha no. Stolen something: Yeah. Broken a bone: Nope. Ran away from home: Nope. Burned yourself: Nope. Caught something on fire: No it wasn't me I swear! Wanted to cheat on someone: Yeah... I dunno why I was with the dude anyways. Fell in love online: No... but AIM contributed to it because we talked a lot through AIM =) Asked someone out: Yeah! Been dumped: Nope. Harhar. Had a dream then the next day it happens: Yeah. Called a porn hotline: Nope I want to though! Haha. --Pick One-- Cat/Dog: Cat I wanna be a cat so bad! White/Black: Black Hot/Cold: Hot. Far/Near: Near. Water/Land: Land. Kiss/Sex: Umm... both? Online/Phone: Phone. Beer/Book: Haha... I really don't like the taste of beer so my schoolgirl side hafta say book. Novel/Poetry: Novel Music/Silence: Music, nice and loud. --Perfect Mate-- Short/Long Hair: Short Tall/Short: Taller than me.. which isn't so hard. Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: Any, it's the personality that counts. Freckles/No Freckles: No freckles but if they do, I won't care. Hair Color: Whatever. Hat/No: Beanie =) Fat/Thin: Medium built. Makeup/No Makeup: Um... none. Dressy/Casual: Casual Holding hands/Holding 'other body parts': Holding other body parts =) --Last person...-- You Touched: My boyfriend You Talked to: My mom You Hugged: My boyfriend You Kissed: Boyfriend..... You Instant messaged: Boyfriend! Haha... Who Broke Your Heart: Well, he made me cry and I felt real heartbroken but its all good now. --Are You...-- Understanding: Yeah Open-minded: I am =) Arrogant: Not really. Insecure: At times Interesting: At times, when you really get to know me ;) Hungry: Aw hell yeah! My stomach's been growling. But after I'm done w/ this survey, Imma go eat =) Smart: Ha. Moody: I'm a GIRL. Childish: Somewhat. Hard working: I can be. But sad to say, I've been slacking off lately. Organized: Yeah I guess so. Healthy: Not really =( Emotionally Stable: Not really... Shy: No. Difficult: I can be but I'm changing guys, I really am! Attractive: According to some people..... but I'm just another face in the crowd. Bored Easily: Kinda. Messy: Um, I can be sometimes. Thirsty: Yeah! Responsible: Yes. I am in charge of two children. Obsessed: With my boyfriend... kinda. Angry: No just a little irritated. Sad: Somewhat. Happy: Just doing okay. Trusting: Yes. Ill: Kinda. Talkative: Depends who you are nd how much u mean to me. Legal: Yes I am! Original: I don't know... am I? Ignored: No. Reliable: I am. Deep thinker: Uhh sometimes. Self-disciplined: Yes. Sleepy: Ha yeah. Lonely: Somewhat but I'm doing just fine. ~WHO DO YOU WANT TO~ Kill: Several people =) Slap: Um. A lotta people. Get Really Wasted With: My boyfriend =) Tickle: Him again. Look Like: Someone pretty like that chick from that movie.... yeah. Be Like: Someone really confident and sure of themself. Someone who has a rational mind and knows what to do in all cases. Someone who is emotionally stable and not easily hurt. Talk to: Liz! But I THINK SHE LEFT TO MEXICO ALREADY!! ='(
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