
Yesterday was awesome. Betty and I went to Jack's and saw Richard and his friends and Annie and I think Annie was mad at me although she didn't admit it. But we just bought my fries and stole soda again and left and walked to the library. At the library, we were suppose to study for Chemistry but we were reading magazines about all these funny stuff and Betty misunderstood when they said "rub and feel his head" and then his shaft. And she started rubbing her head. I'm like "Not that head!" Then we read this book that is now one of my favoritest book called Yum, Yum, Dim Sum. I guess if you're not familiar with dim sum it wouldn't be that appealing to you but it was a funny, little kid's book. Then we went around CT to look for a copy machine that allows 5 cent per copy because every other place is 10 cent. But turned out, such a copy machine did not exist. So we made some 10 cent copies. And we saw some asian dudes from our school and we stood there, waving at them, them waving back, through the window and then it felt awkward because I felt moronic just standing there and waving and waving and waving and they're just standing there and waving and waving and waving. So I'm like,"Man, this is creepy. Let's go." So then they left and we went to get boba and fried chicken and came back to the library. And then we were tired out. Man we walked so much! And I started reading this comic strip called Betty. Haha. And we talked and stuffs. Today passed by quickly and ugh. It was whatever. 2nd period was boring, I got a 2/11 on the test. Then I sold yearbooks during brunch and that was very boring. And during 6th period, the final exam was freakin crazy and hard. Everyone had a different test. I had test B, version 16 or something like that and my name was already on it and everything. And he moved all the tables and assigned us seatings. Man. Then I went to the nurse because of the office summon and told her I'll be getting my physical with my own doctor thank you very much and left to go downstairs. I saw Annie and she gave me my CSF papers with all my community service hours! Thank God! I thought I lost it and I had to turn it in today! And I was all rushing and she said she wasn't coming tomorrow so it was her last day today until next year. And she opened her arms for a hug and I completely didn't notice until she was like "Kristina!" And I gave her a hug but it wasn't my fault, I was in a rush. Then I ran to give Ms. Katz the CSF paper and got a new one to get a head start on my fall semester. I really wish Annie would come tomorrow. I don't see the point of going if she's not going to be there tomorrow for first period. And I think it's first period and third period tomorrow. And Tosin isn't going to be there tomorrow for third, she's freakin graduating. So I'm probably not going to go. And Friday... no one is gonna go on Friday. Yeah well, life is getting depressing now that I'm thinking about junior year. It's going to be really different and really weird and I know I'm not going to like it already. There are just so many signs that junior year is going to suck and I believe in signs. Things that usually happen aren't happening, everything is changing and I can just feel the comings of junior year... and it isn't a good feeling.
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I love your journal. Laters :o)
it was pretty freaky.... i think it worked cuz when i looked at the other people's hands i could tell they werent pushing it. when we asked it a question sometimes it would go back and forth between letters as if it couldn't decide.... that was kinda scary. at one times... we asked how many spirits were with us and it said 9. it was definatly a fun experience... but i dont know if id do it again
roCK.. dana