
Lotus festival was today and is going to be there tomorrow also. For the first time, I didn't went with family nor relatives. Betty, Alain and Jenny walked over to my house and we walked to Echo Park to the Lotus Festival! At first, Jenny wanted to sit down and eat her food so I sat with her on the grass and we both ate Vietnamese noodle w/ eggrolls while the couple went to get water. Then we sat there for awhile and then we saw some rock-climbing and I really wanted to do it but I wanted someone to do it. Betty couldn't because she was wearing a skirt and Jenny couldn't because she was wearing sandals. And of course Alain didn't want to. Grr. But it's okay, there's still tomorrow. Then we went around booths and stuffs. I took a stress test and the lady asked some questions and when I started talking about Stephanie, the needle went high, indicating I was stressed. We had to hold some metal thingies... And then I took this test to see if I was aligned and if you'd see my chart, you'd laugh. But it's not severe but I think I need to go to a chiropracter like Liz. But at the same time, I don't wanna waste money. Then going back, Annie gave me her food and I only ate some chicken and gave the rest of it to Jenny. I saw a lot of asian people there from my high school. Ooh scary! But it was fun and then Betty had to go so Alain left to his bus stop and Betty and Jenny went to get picked up by Betty's sister and I walked home. I got a mean-o tanline where my straps for my halter top was. Ew! I got a lot of interesting pamplets, 101 reasons to be abstinent and interesting sex facts. And also, we bought some sprite bombs which were like tiny round rocks and you throw them on the ground. And later on, Betty threw one at me and according to Jenny, smoke came out of my shoe. And then Betty apologized. The funniest and weirdest thing was I went up to this booth and then I asked for a lollipop and I got it. And then this lady started talking about HIV and how to use protection and she went on. And this other guy popped up and said that safe sex was important and they gave me papers and pamplets and 2 condoms and lubrication. And I got 3 baby fishes but I gave 'em to Jenny because she wanted it more and they might die with me... although they are definitely not safer with her because we've both killed our previous fishes. Not on purpose though. I'm not that evil. Well then I went online when I came home and Minh was there and then he got mad because he called my cellphone 3x and he never got through. So I called him and then I had to click on him. And I'm still online. And that's my story for today =)
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