
01. Your name plus "y" Kristinay -- sounds like some pig latin stuff. 02. Two feelings at the moment? Frustrated, slightly saddened. 03. What are you listening to right now? In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You -- Nightmare of You 04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind: "Don't stall in the stall, I want to do a little, I want to do it all" 05. Describe where you are right now. In a chair, at my desk, on my computer, in my room, in my house, in a metropolitan, in a sucky climate, in California, in the US, in N. America, on the planet Earth. 06. The highlight of your week? 6th period on Thursday. 07. What are you craving to have right now? Desiring to fall into someone's arms and just sink there, lying there comfortably. 08. Any unforgettable childhood memories? Yes, quite a few. 09. A not-so-good childhood memory? Also, there are quite a few. 10. What are your nicknames? Kris, Tina 11. Your three plans for tomorrow? 1. School 2. Computer 3. Jack`s? I go with the flow, I hardly plan things out. 12. Your three plans for today? 1. Go for a run 2. See if Bernie's open 3. Math homework =/ 13. Are you thinking of someone right now? Not really but kind of. 14. Do you party? Not really 15. Ever gotten drunk? Kinda yeah 16. Are you single? Yes I am. 17. Say something to the person who posted this before you. She's a really intelligent person. 18. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want? I want a boyfriend who's emotionally supportive, intelligent, caring, loyal, safe, willing to try out new things, curious, but will allow me to have my freedom. 19. Fill in the blank: "I have... a lot of cool people in my life that I love a lot!" 20. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers. Have you ever snowboarded? Is it hard? Will I be in excruciating pain the first day if I tried? 21. Are you feeling hungry? Not really 22. Who do you miss right now? My sister... & someone else. 23. Last friend you talked to online? Tavio, still talking to him right now. 24. Are you in love? No, I am far from being in love with anyone or anything. 25. What do you like about night? I get to sleep. 26. If you were on a farm what would you want to see? I would want to see... horses! 27. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher. 28. Last gift? Must be the Moonlight Path body spray from Liz which she bought me when I started spraying it on myself excessively. But I've temporarily misplaced it and it's upsetting me so much! 29. Did you like it? LOVE it. 30. Do you play an instrument? Does that retarded recorder in 5th grade counts? 32. Your good luck charm? Don't have any. 33. Person you hate most? I just strongly dislike people sometimes but I don't have pure dislike toward anyone. 34. Who makes you laugh the most? Those clowns. 35. What makes you smile? A lot of things. 36. Who has a crush on you? I don't know. DO YOU: 01. Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night? Nope. 02. chat online? Yes I do. 03. Save emails? Important e-mails. 04. Wish you were someone else? I kinda do. 05. Cry in front of friends? Try my bestest not to. 06. Do you get jealous? Sometimes. 07. What have you been doing these past few days? Going out, school, homework occasionally, chatting. 08. What are you thinking about now? The coldness. 09. What did you do last night? Sleep! 10. Who is your celebrity crush? Don't have one. 11. When will you marry? Probably in my late 20s, definitely not when I'm in college. 12. What was your greatest bet ever made? Don't remember. 13. Is all fair in love? Love is NEVER fair. 14. Most romantic words? "I feel like I want to marry you now." Something someone told me that no longer withstands its meaningand value. 15. Back in 'Nam? ... 16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully with a B.A. 17. Where would you like to travel before you die? Somewhere in Asia, somewhere in Europe, somewhere tropical and romantic. 18. If you could retire today, where would you live? Somewhere other than here. Some suburban place with little traffic. 19. Do you have kids? Nope, I'm only 17. 20. Have you ever had surgery? Yes 21. What is your dream job? Where I can achieve a gratifying feeling at the end of the day. 22. Have you ever been in love? Yes 23. Do you think you're a good mate? I think I'm an excellent mate. 24. Why do relationships fail? Because one person may start re-prioritizing and not every conflict is talked out properly. 25. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in lust at first sight, animal-instinct attractions at first sight but what may feel like love, isn't really love. 26. Could you love someone if your family and friends disapproved? Yes. 27. Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? It is best to never have loved at all. That way, you won't have to compare the happiness you experience when you have loved to every day you spend without them. That eventually leads to depression and an outlook of life as something unworthy.
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