
yesterday was awesome -- it was full of laughter. and no, elise* did not contribute whatsoever. it actually coincidentally occurs when she's not around. she's having some problems, but i couldn't care less. harsh of me to say, but honestly, negativity seems to revolve around her. in a way, i care, but i've learned to take care of myself beforehand. i have two finals tomorrow and they're probably my most challenging & difficult finals. but i'm somewhat apathetic. i will study though, to not would be suicide. i finally ate pupusas today, they're pretty good. i have to call steph and tell her that. and liz too =) hmm, what else to update about. the love aspect of my life is close to non-existant. there are guys in my life, but they're friends. not strictly friends, because i admit there are times when there is a little something occuring... perhaps, a little chemical reaction. but i don't want any of them, and i don't even want a relationship right now. that is, unless some guy wanders into my life and he is oh-so-perfect and there's a chemical reaction that'll attract us to eachother. but my heart sank a little when i called a friend during class, because i heard this girl speaking, some ditzy girl. it was a tad bit disappointing, but i never wanted him really so it's not getting to me. i should go study now. i really wish i had two particular people in high school with me and things will be so much better.
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