'sup g-unit?

Listening to: CSI
Thanks to the lovely K-k-katie for reminding me this site existed. :[ God I'm bored. My bestie besstbest friend came back today, and that makes me happy. My eyes burn, and I feel weak, but who cares. Basically her being back is the most important thing ever, and the only thing worth talking about. CHEERS to a good week! :D 1. What time is it? 10:06. 2. Name: Samantha. 4. If you were a skittle,what color would it be? Green. 5. male or female: Female. 6. zodiac sign: Gemini. 7. Hair color: Dark brown. Dye faded. 8. Eye color: Dark brown. 9. Height: 5' 4 10. Favorite Color: Green. 11. Glasses, contacts or neither: No thanks. 12. Shoe Size: 8 - 8 1/2 13. Piercing/tattoos? A bunch. 14. Birthplace: Ohhh Canada. 16. Siblings names: Bobbi, Jeremy. ******HAVE YOU EVER***** 17. Cut your own hair?: Yes. 21. Skipped school?: Yes. 22. Bungee jumped?:No. 23. Went to a concert?: YES. 24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you? No. 25. Kissed a stranger?: Yes. 26. Stared at the stars for hours?: Yes. 27. TP'd someone's house?: Yes. 28. Won something?: Yes. 30. Been rejected?: Yes. 31. Been to a funeral?: No, wakes only. 32. Used a lighter?: Yes. 33. Been on stage?: Yes. ******FAVORITE***** 35. Food: I kindof really like icecream. 36. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate chip cookie dough. 38. School subject: Art. 39. Breakfast cereal: Cheerios. 40. Number: .... 41. Book: Tuesdays with Morrie. 42. Movie: I dunnoo. 44. Drink: Whiskey or rum. 46. Place: Friends houses. 48. Sport to play: Zip. 49. Fav type of music: Rock? Anyything. 50. Letter: "S". Sam. Sex. Super. Suck. SNOWFLAKES. Sizzle. Snap. 51. Fast food: BK. 52. Cartoon Character: Dory? 53. Holiday: Yeah, Christmas. 54. Name for a son: ... 55. Name for a daughter: ... ******DO YOU PREFER***** 56. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. 57. Long relationships or one night stands? Whichev. 58. cat or dogs: Cats. 60. Scary movies or comedies? Both! 61. Silver or gold?: Silver. 62 Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits. if they're artifical. =p ******FIRST THINGS THAT COME TO MIND****** 64. Hedgehog: Sonic. 65. School: Fuck. 66. Green: Grass. 67. Cow: Moo. 68. Canada: Party! 69. Mouse: Ears. 70. Hand: Fingers. ******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU****** 71. Watched a movie? Yes. 72. Talked on the phone?: Yes. 73. Cried?: No. 74. Threw up?: No. 75. Drank a glass of water?: A billion. 76. Talked to one of the opposite sex?: Yes. 77. Read a book or magazine?: Yes. 78. Watched TV?: Yes. 79. Looked in the mirror: Yes. 81. Taken a picture?: Yes. 82. Listened to music?: Yes. 83. Kissed someone?: No. 84. Done your HW? No. 85. Told someone you loved them & meant it?: Yes. ***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....****** 86. Heaven?: No. 87. Aliens?: Maybe. 88. Fun for the entire family?: Yeah. 89. Freedom of speech? Yes! 90. Love?: Yes. 91. Magic?: No. *******SOME RANDOM STUFF***** 92. Last movie you saw in theaters?: Date Movie. 93. Are you listening to music right now? No. 94. What clothes are you wearing right now?: Shirt & pantiies. Hot shirt, I'll tell you. 95. Do you like your middle name? s'alright. 96. What is the best thing since sliced bread?: Sex, drugs and rock&roll. 98. Where do you want to live when you're older? Wherever this life takes me. 99. What time is it now? 10:17. No rush. :]
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