To avoid leaving sitDiary alltogether, I decided I'd try a friend's only diary. A bunch of fun, but still don't really feel up to it--I've got far too much going on. It's not that I'm too 'busy' per se, it's more like my life is developing with or without me, and I'd rather be in the frontseat. Plus, I've found other means of venting anger and depression. Forgive me? Besides, If you wanna talk, or.. anything dumb like that, I still spend too much time on the internet. AIM = Sammypoo002 Yahoo = Samantha_m_03 MSN = my-konstantine@hotmail.com ♥♥ [&Ivee, you best believe I'm adding you.]
Read 24 comments
Thank you (:

I miss you ):

You had better comeback someday *beats with broomstick* O:

Here is a random question, who is your favorite member of Simple Plan? Mine is David *starts drooling*

New York is so awesome. One day we will venture there together and buy all the t-shirts of The Beatles we can find. :P

I like Orbit bubble gum...that was really random.

oh goodness, you just know all the right things to say to make a girl swoon. ♥ &i so love that about you.


where is my letter, btw? i want it! i'm so anxious to see your handwriting! now send!!
I hope this week is a little better :P

I've got to save my money now to buy all my homies stuff for Christmas, so no new stuff for now :p

Thank god your back I thought you got killed by an evil ninja knome pirate!
Hello!soo nice to hear from u here:)Life is interesting :s last w7e i went to the ex's b-day party,just to show face, and guess what,after i'd left he made out drunk with a slut! and he obviously cares so much about me (NOT) that he's proud of what he did and thinks he can have all.Great,what a fool i was.well,no more hope for me, and that's good!otherwise,my days are better when i don't see him.What's good with u and what's not?do tell if u wana
aw, well i love you too. but yeah, you're basically horrible. ♥! all is forgiven though. i just love you too much. true story. :)
Hey, you're so right about life being short...just somedays i couldn't care less...i'm tying not to be too emo but it is hard(cringe) How is life? Leave some old love pour moi, merci. I kinda want him back and kinda don't know what i want and what next. i'd like to stop that pain feeling tho.that'd be a nice change lol
well, ttys hopefully, i miss you on here *WAAAAAAAAAhh*
xx kathy
Comment me every once in a whie to let me know that your still alive and that a hobo hasnt attacked you (:
=/ oh man, hope you come back sooner or later<3
*takes out chainsaw and pokes sam with it*

Uhhhh...his name is Pierre

I just saw this really hot guy and he said he liked my shirt *hits floor* he was so hot.

I'm thirsty.

That was pretty random, wasn't it?

I need to show you the cartoon characters I made one day, they are quite interesting.(:

Pants are cool, and pantsy.

If you can't tell, I'm a little hyped up right now :D

I know! That stuff is MINE.

Bye, sexy biatch
you better send it soon. because i am fully prepared to kick some ass. ♥
Aw man the ending of the movie is soo fucking good...haha too bad you got kicked out. You should try to see it again. lol
So how the hell have you been?? lol
aw, omg. i added you on aim. ♥

if you leave me, i will come after you. swear. but all the more reason TO SEND ME A LETTER! :)
The haunted house was friggen awesome. We were waiting in line for about 2 hours, and it took like 10 minutes to walk through. But it was worth it. lol Saw 2 was awesome!!!!! It made me want to see the 1st one again. It ties the 1st one into it at the end...uhhh I loved it. Weeell I need to go update...but my lazy ass is going to bed and I will update tomorrow. lol
hey,i'd love to give details but i'm too depressed: i just broke up with my boyfriend of 1yr and 2months a few days ago.it hurts so fucking much...hope to hear something from you again soon,luff n stuff.
haha, yes i do indeed love you. so i am forgiving you. but love only goes so far, silly. and that's where letters come in. so i can fall in love all over again. ♥

aw, hi. we are the cutest.
and excuseeee meeee, why are you never online, missy?

oh. on yahoo im downtown_showgirl. &i just added you.
haha, thank you for the compliment on my picture. ♥ you're too sweet.

well, since you have abandoned your diary and i can't read about your daily life anymore, you must make up for that in letters and pictures. or so i've decided. :) good. now send me a letter. like quickly. before i start convulsing.

yes yes, i kissed somebody's boyfriend. but ew. old news. but you wouldn't know that since you don't love me anymore. :( true story.
well i hope you don't quite dissappear though i can completely see what you mean: i feel pretty much the same. leave some luff when you're 'round cause i enjoy talkin to you here :)
well i hope you don't quite dissappear though i can completely see what you mean: i feel pretty much the same. leave some luff when you're 'round cause i enjoy talkin to you here :)
Yes it is (: Halloween was so awesome.

I *heart* you. :D
where are you, sammy?! oh! btw, you're new nickname is ham. i finally got it. i'll explain later. MAYBE IN MY LETTER BACK TO YOU WHEN I FINALLY GET MINE. :)

i miss you.
Aw no don't go! lol I will miss you!!!!
sniff sniff*