Feeling: violated
Hows it going all you loverly people of box world? Conforming to the natural world. Good for you. Poor souls. I have a bad case of the jump up and goes. Dance til you drop. Like nobodies watching. A little crazy me thinks? Me thinks so too. Not every dirty bugger gets to drink from MY fountain. only the lucky ones. my fountain of WHAT!? you ask? my fountain of ME. Silly Gooses. your all silly gooses... Or geese. (song changes to Johnny be good-Hendrix) NOW! what would you do if i were DANCING IN THE RAIN!? Dance along with me you say? I thought so. Why does hendrix always sound good even when fucked up on whatever he may be that night? GO JOHNNY GO! talking to davey. You dont know him. he's a cool guy. One of the kids i worked with at camp last year. Met chelsea hewitt. Lol. bet she had fun. (song changes to mind infection-josh todd) man. i really missed camp this year. Next year I'm totally fucking going. Fuck. And Rob, Davey, Derek and Marilee were there. I miss Marilee man. She rocks. Was fooling around with rob and derek both last summer. and their brothers. lol. (song changes to kashmir-Led Zeppelin) Talking to too many people. Christ. it's all so good lately ya know? Sure I'm moody. And i keep wanting to get neutered. And my cats all sick. Just one. Scarlett. She'll be better though. I think I'll run off next summer. With randi most likely. Cuz she and i have the same plan kinda. get the hell outta here. man my foots asleep (knocking on heavens door-GNR) Yea. i kinda have a weird playlist today. Not to mention I was listening to tenacious D not to long ago. ha. fucking rights! Oh man. This bag of chocolate chips is almost finished. and i think i ate more than half today. I'm going to be dreaming CRAZY tonight!!! I think i should stop eatting these things. my side is starting to hurt... Oh wait. thats just my ribs. very normal. well not NORMAL but normal for me. Randi is good conversation sometimes. Well actually the lack of conversation when we're together is good. Cuz theres none of that "should i say something" tension. I gotta go though. Kinda afraid the whole house is going to black out my cats will protect me. Freaking siamese fighting cats. NINGA!
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Im coming with you if you take off. Ohh forsure i am.
Hate my dad... grr. he kept me awake.

Love fuefiebuu.....