Feeling: ducky
Can you say.. STALKER? ok.. as a group now... STALKER! now class... one more time... STALKER Good, Now I've lined up some suspicious men, do they look suspicious? ... good class... now can we indentify the stalker? NO class... That man MAY be different looking but he's perfectly harmless... now class... try harder... ... THATS RIGHT BILLY! The stalker IS the one throwing love notes at you... yes billy.. i know weird.... no billy, you cant feed the stalker a cookie... ... Yes Sara?... Oh, good question, This stalker is classified a stalker because he JUST WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. ... Ok class... how do we get ride of a stalker? ... Thats right billy... make him think your a hardcore lesbian. Now who would like to help me with this? ... Thank you for volenteering Randi... your a sweet dear ... We'll continue again tommorow.Class dismissed
Read 2 comments
Oh man aahahaha, i've done that!
He didn't believe me... :p
haha... right? yea, the hardcore lesbian thing wont scare him away... it might just turn him on? :). haha. jonny boy.