
Feeling: amused
*LOVE on the ROCKS* Went to the mall, walmart, value village and futureshop last night with Randi and Cory. I bought a new dress like thing... very school girl, and new stockings(purple and black stripes) um.. stole 4 new buttons and also stole a new eyeliner(shiny blue). We saw Kelly at the mall (!!!) He's such a great guy. lol. I gave him one of my Marilyn Manro buttons and he gave me a disco ball thing that was hanging form the jewelry shop that he works at ( in the middle of the mall) and I hung in from my earring. lol. SO! Randi and Cory and i left the mall and went to walmart to pic up randi's film.. and cory pushed us there in a shopping cart, which was WAY FREAKING FUNNY. and i was sitting up in the child seat and randi was down below... it was really funny. we almost tipped like, seven times. So anyway, we go to catch the bus at KP and Billy and his girlfriend are there( cory's friend billy, whose also my neighbor... i didnt know that!!!) Anywho. Kelly got on the 47 too so he could ride with us and he sat next to me and did my makeup. lol. So when he got off randi came to sit next to me from the other side of the isle and i whispered to her " OH MY GOD , look at that guy with the glasses and the lip ring".. there was this guy sitting a few seats back that kept checking me out and he was just SO hot.. GR! oh god.... but ok.. anyway. when he got off the bus i was like, FUCK he was SO YUM... and his friend was still on the bus.. lol so i'm pretty sure the guy'll find out soon. :):):) so on another note... when we got home randi cory and i played monoplay while i fixed my new skirt and we drank vodka mixed with juice. lol. well randi and i did, cory doesnt drink... but on the other hand... I'm OFF -candy
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