Fruit Loops

Listening to: Megalomaniac-Incubus
Feeling: rich
So... sleepy.... MUST... eat... fruit.... loops! --------------------------------------------- Wow.. i slept from 10 pm to 10 30 am. crazyness... seeing as i was awake from 6 am to 6 am the night before. then slept for like... 2 hours then stayed awake til 10 pm.. like i said. --------------------------------------------- Hm. what can i say. OH YES! i miss my crystal. :( pretty girl in ouch from wisdom teeth being pulled. mmm. I want more fruit loops. I also want my silly (but oh so wonderful ) boyfriend to come over..... But that kid is most likely : a) hungover... possibley. b) sleeping c) not home from his brothers yet. OH and i have to add secret answer d d) still so incredibly cute even though he's drooling on his pillow and talking in his sleep. --------------------------------------------- hey man, thats what attraction does to you, it FUCKS YOU UP. i love the whole thing. (song changes to i believe in a thing called love - the darkness) So chelsey and my birthday pary went great. super fun, super funny. SUPER NUB! --------------------------------------------- Yes. I meant to say nub. We are the NUB SQUAD --------------------------------------------- **I believe in a thing called LOVE! I believe we can make it now.. we'll be rocking til the sun goes down** --------------------------------------------- (song changes to so sick of you-robin black) I dreamt of teaching a dance class. Very weird. *Slow slow quick quick. slow clow quick quick* mmhmm. Good news rya. I didnt dream about you dying again. lol. ... but i think I'm going to get going. later all. -Candise
Read 2 comments
Thats a hot picture. The header one. HOT!!!--
whats up yo. a little oi oi oi to you and yours.