miss you right away

Feeling: abused
in between reasons to be bummed. 1st. my dogs really sick 2nd I actually NEED to talk to this guy about something serious.... well serious to me 3rd. I'm going blind. lol. nah. i just cant see very well lately 4th. my ribs hurt like a fucking bitch.... and 5th. I cant stop listening to sad tunes ( song changes to miss you in a heartbeat-DL) ok. how to get unbumed 1st. visit my puppy and give him a hug 2nd. talk to the guy and hope for a good outcome 3rd. get glasses 4th.take some mean pain killers and pass out for a week. and 5th. turn up the good and turn down teh suck. CHEER UP! ok. now that I have that all over and done. I'm off -perhaps I should just realize this and cease this ceasless, pointless, toxic lament
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