+-+Falling into lust+-+

Feeling: sinful
*and slowly fade away* I actually spoke to him, face to face. When he looked into my eyes i almost DIED. He's just so... everything I never knew I wanted. *please dont put your life in the hands of a rock n roll band* He's just so.. different. He's quiet, shy, smart. Weird huh? from my last entrys you would figure I'd dig the rock n roll hotty. Well i still do. *psst!* he's a guitarist!!! *laughs* (song changes to i remember you by Skid Row) NO, i didnt start liking him when i found out about the guitar business, I liked him before that. I've been e-mailing back anf forth with vee, thast pretty cool. She's changed a ton, and i understand why too, it happens when your way from negitive influences *COUGH*DAN ADAM VAL*COUGH* i shouldnt say that really, i've changed and I still see dan and adam from time to time. but for now I'm going to go. -later Candise
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lmfao, nicely done...soo psst, who's the new one?I've been talkin with Neil about hookin back up (my ex that stole my heart and never gave it back)V