yay for random surveys!

well i just got back from james' and i'm kinda hyper too and i guess i'll fill out this survey cuz everyone's doing it! ;-) *Thirteen random things you like* 01) talking to God 02) my spectac friends 03) MUSIC 04) heat lightening 05) long jump 06) laughing till you can't breathe 07) when people can play the guitar! 08) the entire hodge family 09) cool bed on hot summer nights 10) anything orange or blue! 11) when people put me in their away message 12) watching movies w/ cool people 13) fireflies *Twelve Movies* 01) phonebooth 02) the breakfast club 03) SWAT 04) save the last dance 05) grind 06) sixteen candles 07) ferris bueller's day off 08) texas chainsaw massacre 09) robin hood men in tights 10) anchorman! 11) dodgeball 12) monster in law *Eleven Good Artists/Bands* 01) relient k 02) mae 03) something corporate 04) taking back sunday 05) the killers 06) the honorary title 07) the spill canvas 08) dashboard confessional 09) copeland 10) hidden in plain view 11) the early november *Ten Things About You Physically* 01) 5'9" 02) i have a bajilion colors in my hair 03) i am rather beastly 04) brown/hazel eyes 05) size 10 (!) feet 06) rather tan skin i must say 07) double jointed fingers! 08) unevenly sized boobs, what? 09) i have a huge butt 10) i am rather hot and i am not gonna lie to any of you about that ;-) *Nine Places You Want To Visit* 01) NYC 02) venice 03) paris 04) australia 05) africa 06) london 07) myrtle beach 08) gillette, wyoming 09) quaker steak *Eight Favorite Foods* 01) ice cream! 02) candy! 03) popsicles! 04) sugar! 05) pizza! 06) PASTA! 07) cookie dough! 08) macaroni salad *Seven Things You Wear Daily* 01) underwear 02) adidas sandals 03) a shirt 04) a bra 05) pants/shorts 06) a hair tie 07) chapstick! *Six Things That Annoy You* 01) spoiled younger siblings 02) when people act SLEEZY 03) shallowness 04) when people search for compliments and have a bad self esteem 05) when people lie to me 06) being the oldest *Five Things You Touch Daily* 01) my hair 02) my toothbrush 03) my contacts 04) my bed 05) FOOD *Four TV Shows You Watch* 01) CSI 02) the news 03) HBO (does that count?) 04) SNL *Three Celebrities You Have a Crush on* 01) COLIN FARRELL 02) JIMMY FALLON 03) MATTHEW THIESSEN *Two Things You Can't Live Without* 01) God 02) music/friends/food *Name One Thing You Want More Than Anything* 01) wouldn't you like to know? i copied that from pretty much everyone i know! so enjoy and have a wonderful evening and don't forget that i love you! :-) ps:
What Something Corporate Song Are You? by m32446
Your Song IsPunk Rock Princess
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Read 4 comments
hhaa i love how all your favorite foods have ! after them. that made me laugh a ton. and i agree, younger siblings that are spoiled is very annoying. actually i just plain sucks. anyways, i meant to ask you what you are doingfor the 4th of july? cause it woiuld br awesome if you and eileen came with my family to do what we do. kelly can come too and whoever else. i just thought that wouldbe fun. i'll call you about it. i heart you kristen
i realized that i just might have to do that on the 4th, cuz my rents are playing in a wedding, so won't even be around to take us anywhere. we'll find some way to do it. but if you want you can still sleep here friday night but eileen told me you have work on sat. or something. but whatev. lym!
haha! look what i started! :) ur whole thing made me laugh! but this weekend is going to be awesome and pretty much i'm pumped! k, ilu! bye!
yo! update much?!