only 22 chapters left!

Listening to: grind soundtrack
Feeling: torn
actually i'm like way beyond tired its like too much. yesterday jen came over and we watched the parent trap (its still good even tho i'm not 10) and it was nice to see her, it seems like i haven't seen her in awhile. then after she left i like put emilie to bed (since technically i was supposed to be babysitting) i called cass who was at james's (just like old timess...) and they came over. i haven't seen either of them in forever! like u would think i would see james lots since we live right next door, but it just never really works out i guess. so i had a really good time w/ them and yea. i figured out what it is thats so cool about cass.. hes just like a real respectful kid u know? like he knows how swearing and stuff bothers me so he just doesn't do it around me which is nice. and i think a lot of guys just sorta say wahtever comes into their head, and they think everyone wants to hear it, but a lot of times its just messed up or gross, so cass doesn't do that, and i really love him for that. it sounds dumb but its just little stuff like that that matters. lilia and her fam are coming over for dinner tonight (since our parents are like bff haha) so i'm really excited about that it'll be fun. although afterwords i wanted to go to kristen o's w/ leen and kell and sleepover, but mom said nope. i'm a little sad cuz they all went to kellys this week and i couldn't go to that either, so i miss them lots. i just want my mom to be like "well, its ur last week of summer, why not?" and let me do stuff w/ them but w/e. life is still fantabulous anyways! so i guess this is the end. comment if u love me! xoxo, bri
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