*insert cool phrase here*

Listening to: hot hot heat
Feeling: natural
hey kids! how goes it with you? i'm great. this b-e-a-utiful weather is really getting to me and making me in a good mood, which is always a plus. and also, it's spring break! so wo0t! and even though i'm just going to flower city i'm really excited! and last night was the lock-in.. it was mad fun! i haven't hung out w/ ben & ben & hannah in forever. and kenny was there. and i met michelle, she's so cute! i like her a lot. we played lots of fun games and ate lots of yummy food and got very little sleep (me and hannah actually slept for like 3 hours, everyone else just stayed up!) the only thing i'm bummed about is that they all played frisbee at like 5 in the morning and i was sleeping and missed it. but whatev! so now i'm dead tired, but it was completely and totally worth it. pretty much that's all i have to say about that. today i have to do laundry and hw (fun x a bajillion!) then i'm seeing jax tonight. tommorow at like 3 i'm going to tony's to get my dress fitted. then at 5 i'm going to flower city. and as much as i'm excited, i'm also sad, cuz i haven't spent a spring break home since i was in 7th grade! and sometimes i miss just being lazy and stuff. but i think i'll deal. but i'll miss you guys tons. have an excellent break guys, and don't have too much fun w/o me. i love you all. love, briana "i'm too cool to stay home for more than 12 hours at a time" dawson~
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yes i figured you were my stalker. i'm not dumb. kris o
lol well so much for "hey how are ya" or "you're a cool friend"