every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..

so i'm good i guess. i'm a little worn out and sick of stuff though. and what other place to get it out than here? so here goes 1)some people lately have been using me only when they don't have anyone else to talk to. they've been clinging to me, not even realizing that they've pushed me away too much for me to ever want to be friends w/ them. and they think it's like my privilige to be their friend, but in actually it's the total and complete opposite. and i'm mostly just annoyed that they cling to me cuz i absolutely hate being around them. 2)i hate always being the nice one. like with a certain someone (cough cough ryan) who i strongly dislike and who creeps me out like none other. i wish i could just say "GO AWAYY!" but i can't. i'll do it soon though. just watch. 3)pretty much i've been doing wayyy too much stuff (again) and i need to stop. and it's too hard for me to do it all and try to be good at it all. like i thik eventually i'll have to choose one or 2 things to be good at. it's frustrating b/c you see those people who are like totally amazing at what they do. and i just don't know what it is that i "do" yet, so i'm just trying to do everything. but yea, that's my dillem. so good night guys, idk if any of you read this, but i don't care lol i just needed to get it out. but if you did read it, be sure to comment! i love you guys veryyy much! ~briana beth ps thanks to kristen michelle for leaving me those "anonymous" comments! pps first meet tommorow! pray for me please cuz i'm soo nervous!
Read 4 comments
yeah i'm glad you figured out all that stuff. thats good. and yes the comments were me, but i think i already told you that. anyways ilu kristen ohara
thank you! ilu toooo
i so would have wished u gl if only our meet wasnt cancelled! lol i missed u tons this weekend and we seriously NEED to hang out ASAP! luv u! *leen*
i agree and thanks and ilu too! haha