my last night with you

Feeling: torn
today i'm officially ungrounded!!!! umm so on friday i went to cammy's all day and we had so much fun! i love her! we were like making up our own language and yea. good times. we called this random kid rob who we both have yet to meet. then we went to old navy and goodwill, cuz u know we love those thrift stores! today i read my schedule and found out i have lunch and orchestra and german and math w/ ppl and that's it! i'm a little worried, but i know i'll be fine anyways... i hope. umm tonight me, kel, kris o, cass and stu all went to lilia's concert thing at like 6. i liked it a lot...then stu had to go to work and we went to visit him. kristen like scared everyone out of the mcdonalds by being so loud! lol. then we drove to cammy's so we could give cass his super awesome present (it's a collage w/ pics and stickers and stuff and it's really special!) and i think he really liked it. at least he promised he'd hang it up on his dorm wall. he better! then at kristens we hung out in her room cuz she has the best pics up on her wall, and then arm wrestled (i beat everyone, cuz i'm just a beast like that. actually, kel beat me once.) then we went on the trampoline and yea, left so i wouldn't get grounded again. we had to drop off kris and her sister and kel, and i was last even tho i had the earliest curfew. then it was just me n cass and he was going to james's anyways (whats new?!) and wow, i'm gonna miss cass a lot. i know its like not forever and he'll visit a lot and he's not even that far away, but it's just not gonna be the same. he's a really awesome kid. at least tonight was really good. it just seems like hes gonna be gone forever... ok so its 1:30 am and i can't sleep. i've been like sitting around and now i'm doing this cuz somehow staring at the computer makes me tired eventually. i'm really tired and would like to sleep, but i'm a little hyper from tonight and see that that's not gonna happen anytime soon. *sigh*. wow it was such a good day! it's one of those days where like nothing goes wrong and u just go to bed happy u know? i hate those days that start out good, then just suck by the time u go to bed, cuz all you remember the most is the end of the day. but everything was good today. i can't believe summer is going by so fast! i just wanna like make everyday super fun, and wanna get as much out of summer as i can, but right now i'm sorta stressing cuz of my summer reading project that i keep putting off. ugh i hate it so much. but what can u do? alright, thats it. i hope u all have a super awesome day cuz i know i did!!! ps, comment if ur cool!
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