is this real or is this fading?

hey kids! it hasn't been that long, but it seems like its been forever. i've been so good. i'm really worn down and tired and everything and its making me physically sick, but whatev. lifes good other than that. umm monday track was good. got to long jump. today practice was good, but i thought it was hard, i'm not gonna lie. then i came home and ate and went to young life, which was fun, as always. so i guess i have not too much to say cuz life is just kinda blah right now. but its good, don't get me wrong! and steve finnnnally asked kelly out today, and i'm so happy!! so this concludes my past 2 days in which nothing too exciting happened.. be cool and comment! much love, bRiAnA
Read 7 comments
obviously you thought practice on tues was hard, since you stopped every 5 min to get a drink and im pretty sure you didnt even finish all of it.
sorry i'm fat kels, but thanks for ur encouragement!
dude what's with the rude comments. nobody needs to hear that. if you leave nothing but dumbass comments, don't bother to leave one at all. nobody is perfect, not even you, whoever it was who wrote that comment. so, in conclusion, dont be a bitch. it will come back to bit you in the ass.
PS - i love bri
and i love kris!
Bri i luv u and dont worry im fat2!and whoever did leave that comment...please just get ur own damn life and stop worrying about everyone elses! loser
hahahah, my b. it was me...Leen-Been who made that last comment about me being fat 2!!!! haha luv ya babe!
and screw u, whoever u are with no life!
lol leen been u are too cute! thanks for everything, i'm doing much better!