a photograph of heaven.

Listening to: thiessen
Feeling: sorry
yea, so about my week. it sorta sucked. actually, it sucked a lot. the whole week i just wanted to be at flower city. and it was real hard on monday & tuesday especially cuz i came in to school happy (pumped to see my friends who i hadn't seen in awhile) and they were all in bad moods and didn't want to be in school. and they were all being rude and stupid. and i didin't understand it. and for like a day i tried to understand what was wrong and try to make them not mad, then i just stopped caring. i'm still not really sure what i did wrong, but they just felt like being mean to me for some reason. it was really obnoxious. and i think what hurt the most is that no one really was happy for me and the awesome week i had. and how i was a shepherd. and i'm always pumped for them w/ stuff like that. mostly i just got so frustrated w/ everyone being so caught up with track and looks and boys and images and what other people thought of them that i just couldn't take it anymore. everyone was just in a bad mood cuz they were letting everything get to them, which they shouldn't have. everyone was just so concerned about looking/being the best. and that doesn't even matter and it pissed me off so much. not gonna lie, i cried a lot this week. it was hard, but it started getting better by like today (friday). it still sucks though. i'm sick, sore, hurt, and tired. and done with this entry. hope you all had a better week than i did. goodnight.
Read 5 comments
sorry ur week sucked so much. mine wasn't any better. hopefully things get better for both of us! have a swell night.
hey dear im sorry about your week-i'll be praying for you that next week goes better and i love you a bunch!
thanks becca! i love you too!
Hey Bri, if I knew that you were having such a bad week I would've made you laugh a ton more. I'm sorry it was so bad last week. I love you
aw thanks babe! i sorta acted like i was having fun. but sometimes i wasn't. i love you!