Its been a while 2

Listening to: Your Face
Feeling: bootylicious
Wow. time for an update........ fuck. so much has happend. Friday: Friday night was killer. But I was totally bummed that I couldn't share that day with Becca. Damn Band. anyways. Tom, Greg, Vincent, and Ken (Former skin head) were all hanging out just chillin at the mall. Ken was showing off his fuckin gnarly knife wounds... And he was messin wit my knife. all of the fuckin sudden he throws the damn thing at Vincent (hes new in town)! Its was fuckin skarry. Ken lost all his Glenn's Knife privlages for that day. Fuck. Anyways. we all went back to my pad after meating up with Jon. I got my stuff and we walked to the underground....... We were about to go out back and blaze it when I realized that we didnt have a lighter (FUCK!.) So we went to the liquar store (kant spell worth shit) and found out (Suprisingly) that you have to be 18 to purchase a fuckin lighter. How lame is that?! Oh well. We found Veronica, who had a lighter, and so we went to St. Bony and blazed it in some showdowed area! fuckin Greg was trippin all Crazy. he was laughing and bein all loud when peeps kame out of the church........ one dood was singing in some Latin or something. it was funny. so we boned out....... and we finnaly found another spot when Bret and Sarah show up and start screaming, "JON! JON!!". People were coming out of there houses and crap... it was crazy. We obviously lost that spot. so we continued to walk (while toking) and .. ya. it was fun. Greg, Tom Vincent and I all sat outside the Underground because we didn't have the money to go in. oh well. it was still a fun night. I saw Amy Edison.... she acted like she hated me or something. oh well...... used to it. Then we walked home... and yeah. that was the end of that night. Saturday: Saturday was ok. I worked my ass off all day. Then I walked over t o Gregs and Vincent was there..... Greg was working on clearing out his ol' room. So I lent him a hand..... and kept workin my ass off.... breathin in all kinds of fiberglass seeler. We finished and Johnny showed up with my lil' bro Brent. Tom drove over this kid named Alex. At first I thought he would be really anoying..... I was wrong. I went home and showered and cleaned up. then I went over to Greg's and Johnny, Vincent, Greg, Tom, Alex and I all drove around. Johnny, Greg, Vincent and I were all cramed in the back seat. It was horid. So we drove over to the Pier...... And Blazed it. It was fun. but we left cause these guys were bein all shady. There was a damn fiesta going on at the fair grounds. it was crazy. Man Alex is soooo kool. we drove fuckin everywhere. Tom ran like 2 red ligts and a stop sign.... and then we were at the intersection outside of Barns and Noble. Tom realizes that there is a red light in front of us about 5 feet from the damn thing......... So he slams on the fuckin breaks........ The light emediatly turns green. Whereupon we see a cop on a fucking Bike (who was right the fuck next to us) go driving past us...... Tom emediatly pulls into the parking lot where the cop passes us. What a relief!!! WRONG! WRONG! We see the asshole fuckin pull into the next parking lot enterence and head in our direction. So we start yellin at Tom to get outa the fuckin parking lot before he gets to us...... and hes all fuckin yelling at us "Man, why are you guys yellin at me to get outa the parking lot for! I already am!"......(he was still in the fucking parking lot). man....... we ditched the cop and kept ona goin. haha good shit. Sunday: Sunday was less exciting. We were all tiered from the adventurs of the previous dayz..... I was completly fuckin bummed cause, at this point, I hadnt seen Becca in 5 dayz! Everyone kept givin me shit cause I was all sad. Oh well. Fuck them! anyyyyyyyways. I worked some more..... then I went to practice. that was fucking crazy. I sat around with Devin and Andrew (nathan was Camping) and Chrissy. yes.......? We waited for a fuckin hour for Bob to show up with Garry. We spent that hour trying to open my thermus and then Garry walks in and pops the thing right the fuck off!! It was crazzy. After I recorded a track...... I learned that 2 of our songs had been completly erased!! Music and all! I was PISSED. so we decided to just do with what we had done. the three songs left. I noticed a serious issue of being out of key in one of our solos. so KC ( of Nylus) droped by and re-did the solo (which totaly kicked ass!) It only meant that we had to wait an extra hour. oh well..... It was worth it. hm........ realy stressful. Monday: I dont really remember much of Monday. Greg, Vincent, Tom, Alex and I hit the town again. It was kool. Around 5... we went to Blanche Raynolds and tolked it...... we then proceeded to Laurens.... and shot some hoops. Tom and I (the white boyz) BEAT! Greg and Alex ( the black Kidz). It was wonderful. It was nice to see Lauren and Kaelyn and Shane again. Lauren broke her colar bone! It sux; so we cruzed around.... droped by the mall..... ate some serious foodage. it was nice. then we took a ride over to Fat Dan's house so Alex could get some weed. We then went down to the Pier and smoked a couple bowls. It was fun. We drove around for a while lookin for some fun. There wasnt any. Oh well...... we did somoke a lot. We droped off Alex and then went over to Gregs........ who kicked us out. so Tom drove Vincent and I over to KC's house (easterling) where we came upon a very drunk Devin, KC and Jon.... we drove around for a while..... parked in a parking lot on the Avenue and played hacky sack. the cops came so we left. We droped off them back at Kc's aand KC put his ass all over the window. Jon straped himself to the hood of the car. KC jumped on the roof of the Car. haha so Tom Punched it.... and hit the brake...... the both slid off the car....... it was great. we took Vincent home and Tom dropped me off... I spent the night at Gregs and we watched the girl next door...... had to have been the most stressful movie ever!!! the guy is such a fuckin moron!! oh well.... Tuesday: We woke up Tuesday morning..... I dont remember what hapend Tuesday. I think we blazed it...... ohe yyeah!!! I had nothing to do. so my dad put me to hard labor. after that Vincent came over and I was messin around with my mic.... it was cool. then the electricity went out! fuck . so we went outside on my front porch and i brought my acoustic guitar.... and i Made up like 3 songs that was preatty good ( acourding to Vincent) and sang them too. it was funny. I played until the sun went down. then tom and greg showed up and we played a mad game of Rainbow 6 and Halo. It was fun...... Today: Greg and I went to Universal studios. It was pretty fun... hot as hell though. we had some good times.... saw the waterworld show....did some rides. We went on the tour thingy which was really cool..... cause there were so much stuff added since I was last there. So yeah...... came home..... played Video games wit Tom and Greg and Brent. Becca came home today!!! I am sooooooooo happy! I get to be with her tommarow!!! I am so incredibly happy she is back. I was feeling sooooo bummed that she was gone! At least I got to talk to her every day she was gone! That was real nice. I wish she enjoyed herself more. She deserves it! She is by far the best girlfeiend I've ever had. She is so nice to me.... Its amazing. It was such a relief to here that she made it back ok! Damn this is a long entry......... LIKE DAMN. Uh......... yeah....... you proly didn't read any of that. but oh well.
Read 8 comments
you have changed so much, what the fuck. wow, lame, that is all I have to say
wow. you have a preety exciting life. you seem cool. leave me one.

Wow. Pretty busy!

Unlike Sean and I. Where we have done absolutely nothing.

You need to throw a party, like hardcore dude. Serio.

<3 Garrett
what... are you just going to ignore me now? ^_^ how are you? *Jess*
hi glenn
GLENN! i read it sounds like u are enjoying ur spring break happy that becca is back in town so yea see ya monday! ♥Victoria