Pier people are crazy

Feeling: confuzzled
Wow. I just got back from another wonderful, wonderful night with Becca. We went and saw Sin City. It was good........ Even though I dont really remember much from it. I admit I wasnt paying that much atention. Afterwords we went to the coffe shop across the parking lot (Java Joes) where they had a really cool Blues band playin there. haha. they were old. but hey! they kicked ass. Yesterday Becca, Shannon, Josh and I went downtown. Becca and I spent most our time on the Pier. The craziest people are on the pier. there were people talking to his fishing poles, bums riding around in circles and yelling at each other, and other crazy people: "Honey there a big poo poo ova hea!". hahaa. good stuff. And then we went to the park next to the mission, and we were all laying there. "You guys are, like, atatched at the mouth!"., "Do you guys have oxigen tanks or are you like whales?", "God! Why dont you just have sex in the middle of the park!". Later we all went back to Beccas house....... stupid Shannon and Josh got the lil' house! Becca and I had to stay out in the cold! I really wish I wasnt so shaky when Im cold! Ruins moments. haha. oh well. the movies were really fun. hahaha. Oh. and to whoever posted that anonymous and cowerdly comment stating how ive changed..... obviously didnt know me. Cause anyone who REALLY knows me, also knows that i havent changed. And next time. please be brave enought to leave a name. ta ta ¦¬D
Read 10 comments
Hey Glenn! just wanted to say hi and it sounds like u had a good time with becca! i am glad your happy! it is really really great! well see ya later!
i have no idea who left the comment, but i've got to agree you've changed. its not ment to be a bad thing or anything, but you have changed.

Glenn! Arg! I'm so mad at you! Well, not really, but mannnn! We didn't get to hang out on Wed. Oh well though, i hope you had fun at U.S, i had a nice day, but we'll talk later. All i have to say is that its been too long and i miss you so much and i miss our convos, they mean sooo much to me. so this weekend fo sho alright? take care <333333333333333333333333 jenna
Yeah Glenn, I agree with that too- you have changed.

Are you like going over to Sean's on friday to jam or what?
ok well i know your proabbaly sick of hearing this but i too agree that you have changed, i dont relaly know if i can pin point the differences but you have i mean i dont relly know how to put it its just different i guess if u wanna ask me anything about my opinion go for it. but yeah i miss hanging out with u and the raids at my house.. hahahah those were great
Hmm, well, I've known you for two years, and, if you've changed at all, it's been small, and for the better. Don't worry about it, bro!

On another note, lemme know when you wanna jam. It realllly sucks to hear about kiana, but, we'll see what happens with that. Peace!
What are you doing the first weekend of May? i know thats in a lonnng time, but i think i have to get an appt with you or something! your soo busy. how are you? i hope things are good for you and ya hows school? its ok for me, im getting better grades so of course im liking it. anyways, glenn i miss you buddy. i have no one to open up to anymore. its been too long, we should get the group back together. <3
my brother adn dads name is glen
GLENN!!!! hey...i like the new look!
nigga u still have a thing bout that bitch becca change it hahaha - greg