Rewind when under the pressure of a gun.

With his head pushed off to the side and a forcefulness in his finger he said, “that’a’way dude.” The boy accepted this answer and walked of in the direction he was motioned to be going. “Weirder things have happened you know” said Penny. “If you could just, you know, find your purpose in life I think you’d be a lot happier.” He replied, “Who knew that that would be what you would say to me. Who knew. I thought you were more pessimistic.” “There’s nothing in that statement that can be considered optimistic.” “Yes there is” he shouted. “Nothing at all…and in all honesty I think you would be happy but lets talk reality here. We both know you would fuck yourself over. I’m your pessimistic bitch after all, see, are you happy? Oh. Ha. Of course you’re not. You have too much self-hatred.” “I love the way you make your mouth curve itself into flirtatious shapes.” This was just another reason why he was having this conversation and he paid no attention to her blubbering, just her lips which seemed like they were magically pulling him in tighter. “Can we go now?” She gave suicide and death a thought. If she could just find some rope. Instead she overheard these two figures talking behind her. “…you can have it.” The first figure was answering the second and searching for something in his bag and then “Smell this.” The second figure took a second, “is that a clove?” The first figure, “its…” Then the second figure becomes aggressive, “give me one.” “Ah, I only have two.” “Bitch stop crying.” The first is inspired, “ah…you wanna smoke with me?”
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