Radiated Words.

Yet determined, pushing against the unco-operative silence Jack still looked atthe sand. Obtuseness of the ocean, the miles of division, one was excruciatingly as on slate. He knew he had heard it before and the entry. He turned quickly. Jack, identifiable by personality at Percival who was crying quietly again; and all three and then back at Ralph. The reply was too emphatic for anyone to doubt them voices babbled. The simple statement, unbacked by any he squirmed and looked down, "better get it over. When we're ready I'll carry it." Ralph ignored Jack's question. He pointed to the touch of "things are breaking up. I don't understand why." We flared and his mouth dribbled. He wiped his nose and... Lord of the Flies- William Golding
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FUCK YES. we are amazing.
i wanted you to read it w/o knowing anything. but that didn't happen.

i have no problems.