Magic Dogs?

Listening to: Savage Garden
Feeling: somber
Well after a long absence from the diary I'm back to paint you a story. It started a few days ago it seems. For a week our phone hasnt been working right due to the rain. So apparently a repair man came on tuesday or so and tried to fix it but my two dogs got out and either ran the streets or almost attacked him. Okay, so now its saturday and a new guy or same guy comes and we lock the dogs up. We physically put a lock on the gate that they reside behind. Everything's fine. Then, I see that the dogs are out and are running all over the backyard. The lock is still on the gate and the latch is up even though it couldnt be without the lock being off. My solution and conclusion, the dogs are magic and they flew over the gate or just went through it. I dont know, maybe I have magic ghost dogs. I'll give Ripleys a call.
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they climbed it. my dog climbs fences!

sorry we have stopped talking...sorry...i still dont think that movie should have made me cry. i dont agree with crying because of happy endings.
thank you...i guess i do speak my mind...just not to the people that i want to speak my mind to the most...why is it so hard?