Wasting (Cyber)Space

boring boring.. just making an entry to make it look like this is active. but I'm not active so i have nothing to say. well actually that's a lie. I do. but I don't feel like taking the time since probly no one will read it. Today I tried signing up for ebay to take my buisiness online- easier than a website, or so I thought. But nothing was working. Damn technology.. Oh well. If I can get it to happen it will be great. Cause I need some extra dough. Too bad I have soo many things to spend it on. Nice new clothes. Music. Books. Snacks. My classes and a trip to Costa Rica. A trip to Vegas, my sister's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid, woot!!), my birthday trip to San Fransisco, a visit to my best friend up north... Not to mention a car, a computer, and a place of my own.. damn.. I'm poor. And life sucks. If only it weren't so much fun, I wouldn't have to worry about spending all my money. Work is retarded so I keep spamming myself by signing up for stupid bogus contests hoping that I can get something.. oh well.. Hopefully Barnes & Noble will hire me full time.. that would be great!!!!! I only turned in my application two days ago though.. I probably won't even hear anything for ages. But it doesn't hurt to try! And it beats the pet shop where I'd probably accidentlly murder all the fishies.. (I'm not turning that appliction in till I'm desparate I think.. not that they're likely to hire me since I don't know any of that fancy stuff..) ahem.. gtg make tacos and do laundry and clean my room and do my homework and practice karate and make jewelry and package a return and shop for my sister's bachelorette party (woohoo! fancy toys and naughty underwears!) and.. god knows what I've forgotten.. oh yeah! write e-mails.. and ask my mom to rent surf ninjas or pool hall junkies or legends of the fall, and listen to music and dream foolish dreams... sigh..
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