The Duck Caper..

lol. I had an.. interesting.. dream last night. First I was at disneyland, and I got to go to the front of the lines, and go all the places you're not supposed to. Which was fun.. And then I magically appeared inside of some mansion somewhere. This guy "Jeeves" was in the process of having an argument and then making off with a rubber duck. But they were on to him, so in comes the constabulary.. 100 of them in ranks.. all dressed in their nice black uniforms, and the two in the front had whistles, which they blew at him. But he ran out, going right through all of them, blowing his OWN whistle. So together all the whistles sounded like "tweeeEt tweet tweet tweet", which is a marching band command.. so all the policeman whipped out musical instruments from nowhere and marched after him playing their instruments, and laughing, all the way down the red-carpeted grand staircase of white marble. But a marching band is no match for one lone runner, and he got away. I however, kept after him (not chasing him, but because I didn't want him to leave me behind), and got to the grassy field where he had just taken off in a a small plane. I asked the lady standing there, with the crownless straw hat, where he was going. She didn't know and spouted some sort of english dialect gibberish. But he wrote the word "west" in the sky so I would be able to follow him. (Which was pointles.. because I could see where his plane was going anyway..) So I was going to get in a plane too, which the ladies would let me use for a fee, but I woke up... I have now graduated to using five blankets by the way. Maybe if I'm still cold I'll even work up to six. Yup, I must have a fever.. there's no other explanation for me to be this cold. At least I'm home today! yay!
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yeah, stupid families
im starting a society called "the suicide society" anyone can join it all u need to do is comment on my journal...basicly its just a bunch ov people who feel like shit getting might help...please join.thanks..