woohooo wooohooooo!!!!

My friends, I return to you greatly restored. Yesterday certainly was not fun, but it wasn't the worst it can get and it hasn't even been that bad in quite a while. So that's a good thing at least. Today was a wonderful day and it went pretty smoothly. I think it has managed to compensate for yesterday. You wouldn't even know it but for the puffiness of my eyes. lol.. I put on eyeshadow this morning (I never wear makeup..) because the only time you can even see it is when my eyes are all puffed up, since they are so deep-set. hahaa it's funny.. at least I think it's funny.. :-p hehee.. and at school today, there occured the strange and incomprehensible event I call prepfest.. commonly known as the top ten rally... bah.. :-p None of the people I voted for won. I've never even heard any of their names before, except for maybe three out of the twenty. Perhaps it was due to the freshman effect, the anomaly which causes poor befuddled firsties to vote randomly, thus producing winning results that no one in their right mind would imagine. I'm very disappointed because for the past two years we've managed to get drama people for king and queen, but no luck this year. And you can just forget about seeing a band person up there! but who cares!!! :-p :) I would have ditched with all the sensible people if I didn't have to play in the band.. but as it was it wasn't so bad. I'm just happy we had a shortened schedule and that I got out of Econ. And for once, the cheerleaders and dance team were actually watchable.. unfortunately I think all the crappiness got transferred to the band, but that's ok too... speaking of band... I MIGHT GET TO GO TO DISNEYLAND AFTER ALL!!!! YAAAYYY! My mom gave me some money this morning just so I could meet the deadline, so I still have to wheedle the second half out of my dad.. but I think I have a chance of going, so I'm soo happy!! :) I love my mommy! and speaking of money...... I GOT SIX DOLLARS TODAY JUST FOR BEING THERE!! yesssssssssssss. On my way to zero period PE this morning I found a fiver on the ground, and this guy David, who sits next to me in Calc, gave me a dollar as insurance that he would turn in his homework, and he didn't... so it's miiine... alll mine... (lol in case you couldn't already tell I'm frickin-don't-own-a-chickin-pooor! :-p hehee) yesyesyesyes.. ::does a little dance:: AND David also brought some sugar cookies as part of his pennance... I ate five... :-D I likes cookies.. :-D AND speaking of Calculus and sweets... (lol are you getting tired of the "speaking of"'s yet? :-D) I'm going to an ice-cream sundae party at my teacher's house in about an hour... and we'll be watching a movie as an assignment... but it won't be boring anything. hehe, there is a group of people who believe that their choice to go to Pep Band instead (which I did not know about btw..) is the only right way to go.. but that's because they're stupid.. lol.. :-p :-D fun fun!!! :) (grrawr the only hitch in my day has been that I just had to retype this entire thing.. bah..) :-p :) tehee.. it's me agian.. I've gone and returned already.. the party was sooo fun.. all I have to say is, Mrs. Stillwell has got to be one of the best teachers ever, Calculus students rock, and I HAVE AP-NESS!! :-p :-D ooh.. kewl.. and my mom appears to have rented the Matrix Reloaded.. I'm afraid it might suck.. but still I will be happy to watch it so I can find out for myself.
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