
Well.. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean. It was entertaining, but nothing to obsess over as some do.. Stupid people.. :-p It bugs me when people obsess. (ESPECIALLY if that means that they are going to get in my way, such as in the lines at Disneyland.. OR if it causes them to dabble in something that I'm really into, and pretend like they know something. I don't like LOTR now, btw..) I thought all that stuff about a "pirates code" was absolute tripe. Not to mention that they made it look as if ALL pirates were enemies. It all depends upon who's plundering who. Anybody with ships had pirates on their side. And that whole corset thing just pissed me off. Given the time period, and even just looking at the costuming on her as a girl (it appeared she was already wearing one), she would have ALREADY been used to wearing very tight-laced stays. They were just making a big deal out of it because people are retarded and like to make a big deal out of corsetry. It isn't asking too much to expect people to get things right once in a while. Although they did at least (seemingly) do well on all the nautical terms and such. I might not have such a problem with the movie if people weren't so crazy about it- if you tell me it's good, I'd better not find any problems with it.. Yeah, I'm picky.. So :-p! I have to see Master and Commander now to remedy the damage. :-p I bet that movie's cool.. I stayed up really late on Friday, watching that movie and talking to my brother. hehe. He was being really crazy. And it was fun. He was like.. poking me with a yam, and planning to name his future children Borb, short for Borbillious.. lol.. it was great. Too bad I had to get up for SAT's on saturday. They kinda sucked. The stupid lady only gave us like two breaks- one five minute one and the other was only one minute! Dammit lady, I need my snacks! I only had enough time to go to the bathroom during the first break, and the second one was spent wiggling in my seat preparing to get up.. but I never actually GOT to get up.. Stupid lady. Oh well. I think I did okay. Sorta.. I never have enough time on the math ones. I had about three questions left on every one of those sections. I'm good at the verbal ones though.. exept those retarded questions where they ask you the purpose of a passage. (I get those wrong sometimes.) Who frickin cares? The only time I would care about the purpose of the author is if I WAS the author, or maybe if it was someone I know.. Lesse, after that... I went home, ate my beloved potato soup, and collapsed for several hours. Now.. I have to go.. because I have something much better to do. :)
Read 4 comments
I heart potato soup. And Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm one of those people who obsess about it. I enjoyed it thouroughly (except the line, "You like pain, try wearing a corset!") because Johnny Depp was in it and Orlando Bloom as well. Master and Commander is supposed to be good, but I must admit that I have no real urge to see it. It reminds me of like Gladiator and Braveheart and such, and I didn't like either of those. But out of curiosity,
have you seen the Mask of Zorro, or the Count of Monte Cristo? I think you'd like those. There's some stuff in them that's not necessarily historically correct, but if you're not looking at them as a documentary, they're pretty good. Nothing spectacular. Anyway, just sayin hi.
I have a quick question... you said in my entry "Fate's Heavy Hand" that if I wanted my background picture to show through, I just had to leave it blank. And I was wondering what "it" was that I was supposed to leave blank. Thanks a ton.
i like ur diary