What the...!!!

I am so very very confused.. I just got this message on my answering machine from "stacy from xqyltyblahblahblah" and I, supposedly, am "in their primary group" and I'm supposed to "run their first meeting on saturday"?? or something... haha.. hah... "If you have any questions, call me.." you bet I do!! First of all.. who is stacy...? And what is it exactly, that she thinks I've suddenly magically become a member of...?? What do they want from mee???!! AAAAAAH!!! help? :-p You know.. I could call of course.. and actually ask HER these questions instead of tossing them needlessly into cyberspace.. but you know what? I don't want to. I'm not going to. I'm not going anywhere on saturday (not even to homecoming either). I don't even know those people!! So too bad!! ah... today is such utter pointlessness. I did practically nothing today. Just sat there and stared at the stupid worksheets that some moron tried to cater to students.. I'm sorry, but including questions relating to TV and sports does NOT help me "CONNECT", and it does NOT make lame and sucky assignments "fun" but merely increases the level and intensity of said lameness and suckyness. They can just take all their "fun" little activities and shove 'em! Fun!! Hah!! Nothing I hate more than "fun".. I want ever so much to just tear this homework into the tiniest of shreds, and proceed to burn it and subject it to other forms of destruction.. GRR! Of course that also could put me at risk of failing, so very much to my dislike, I think I shall be forced to do it. That just irks me.. intensely.. STUPID ENGLISH!!! (kiiill.. ) :-p bah. hmm that's all I can think to say right now. I'm sure something really interesting must have happened today. I just don't remember it. :-p Oh but yesterday I read Beowulf.. (yes, start to finish) just thought you might like to know that.. :-p I thought it was pretty awesome.. too bad my english teacher is an idiot and can't teach it. She talked about how "chainmail won't protect you from arrows at all" and then proceeded to say that they didn't have metal back then.. HELOOOOO! All english teachers are stupid- and even the two I had who were in posession of their own brains still made us do retarded assignments and "fun" activities.. grr.. "fun" should die. and I hate it when people just assume you're stupid and think you don't know what they're doing. They think I don't hear them or something because I don't pay attention. The truth is I don't pay attention because I already know exactly what they're going to say and do after the first three words so I start zonking out while they take three hours to explain nothing in particular. sigh. I want to go back on break. I wish I had some wonderful little insights or ideas or something to share with you, but I seem to have forgotten them all. I had some good ones recently too. I just don't remember. I blame school. Seems I'll just turn this page into my own personal whining spot.. :-p :-D hehe. one more time.. -"I blame school!" :-p
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